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Requested by @LittleMissHeng7

Warning: Angst so contains Suicidal behavior, self harm, and violence.

(Y/n) has been a victim of domestic abuse so she has issues trying to trust anyone. Though her current boyfriend has been amazing towards her, she still feels like her ex is watching and will come back for her. She does not like to be touched. Whenever Jin tries to hold her hand or hug her, she panics and pushes him away. He stopped trying to do those things after a while but he respected her.

It was almost Christmas so she thought going out and buying Jin a present will make him happy since she feels like she makes him feel like crap. As she put on her sweater, she stopped as she looked at her healed scars on her arm. The last time she ever made a cut was before going out with Jin. He doesn't know.

As she roamed around the stores, she tried to think about what to get him. She wanted to spoil him so she bought some cologne and body wash, a jacket, sweater, shirt, jeans, and some shoes. She kept looking at a scarf that really caught her attention. She already spent over $200 but adding a scarf wouldn't hurt.

She was on her way home, five bags on her arms. She had trouble  walking but since it was a short walk, she didn't mind. When she turned into the small alley, she stopped when she saw her ex boyfriend. He grabbed her by the hair and pushed her against the wall, causing her to drop the bags.

"Well, if it isn't my girlfriend. You know I got really upset when you just left without saying anything", he said.

She tried to look down at the ground but his hand roughly pulled up her chin. He looked down at the bags and noticed men's clothes.

"You're not cheating on me, are you?", he asked, titling his head.

"I..", she wanted to speak but she felt a lump in her throat as if she wanted to cry for help.

He slapped her across the face, causing her to fall onto the floor. She was crying and was afraid to look up at him.

"You run away from me, you cheat on me, that doesn't sound like a very loyal girlfriend. Maybe a punishment will help you realize the mistakes that you committed", he said.

He began kicking and punching her until he was tired and bored. He walked away and left her there, bruised up and bleeding. Luckily he didn't ruin the gifts. She grabbed the bags and quickly headed home.

She placed the bags on the bed and went over to the bathroom. She cleaned up the blood from her skin and treated the bruises. When she finished, she looked at herself in the mirror. She realized how pathetic she is for hiding and not telling Jin the truth. How can she be a great girlfriend if she can't even make him happy?

She looked through her medicine cabinet and found some pain relievers. Will it relieve the pain? She sat down on the floor and swallowed almost half of the bottle. She felt sleepy but it was going at a slow pace. She reached over to the drawer and found a razor. She took i it apart and grabbed the blade. She raised her sleeves and traced over the scars. She took the blade and made three deep cuts into her wrist. Tears rolled down her eyes as she felt dizzy.

"(Y/n)? Where are you?"

She heard Jin from outside of the bathroom. She panicked but couldn't move because of how weak she felt. When the bathroom door opened, Jin quickly went over to her as soon as he saw her.

"What the hell (y/n)??", he looked at her wrist.

He called the ambulance and rushed her to the hospital. She was losing a lot of blood plus the pills she consumed wasn't helping either. It took a while until she was stable.

Jin sat on the chair in the room they put her in and watched her. She was still unconscious but he hesitated as he looked down at her hand. He wanted to hold it but he didn't know what kind of reaction she would get. He heard mumbling and her body moved.

"(Y/n)? How are you feeling? Do you feel any pain?", he asked, getting closer to her.

"What are you doing here?", she asked.

"What do you mean? I'm your boyfriend. I literally found you on the bathroom floor, bleeding from your wrists. Were you trying to kill yourself? The pills and your wrist. Why would you do something like that? And who hurt you? The doctor said you had some broken ribs", he said.

"I...don't wanna say. He might come after me", she mumbled.

"Who? Your ex boyfriend? Did he do this to you?? Tell me", he said softly.

She shook her head and looked the other way.

"I wouldn't blame you if you hate me. If you wanna break up with me just get it over with", she said.

"Why would I wanna break up with you? Why would you think that?", he asked.

"Because I'm not a great girlfriend", she said.

"You're an amazing girlfriend. I don't know why you think that you're not. Am I not paying enough attention to you? Is it my work? I can take vacation time and spend more time with you. Anything you want", he said.

"It's not that. You pay more than enough attention to me. The thing is you want to hug me or touch me and I don't let you because I panic. I kinda feel like you feel lonely", she said.

"(Y/n), I know you've been through a lot with your old boyfriend. Sure I'd like to hold your hand at least but I'd rather have you feel comfortable. I can wait until you're ready", he said.

"But what if I never get comfortable?", she asked.

"Then I'll be there to help you. I love you (y/n). I'm not like your old boyfriend. I care about you so much. I'm not gonna abandon you", he said.

"I'm of no use Jin. You should be with someone who will love you the way I want to. You're gonna feel really lonely Jin", she said.

"I'm not going anywhere. If you want to break up with me, then say so. But I'm staying here with you. I'm going to love you more than I have", he smiled.


"I don't want to hear anymore about you being a bad girlfriend or that I deserve better. I want you. You got that?", he smiled.

She smiled softly and nodded. She glanced at his hand and slowly intertwined them together. He was quite surprised but happy.

"So...about the stuff on the bed..was that supposed to be for me?", he asked.

"Oh shoot...you weren't supposed to see that", she said.

"Well I'll act surprised but you didn't have to get me anything," he said.

"I wanted to", she said.

He chuckled and softly kissed her hand.

"Please don't do something like this again. You scared the heck out of me. I don't want to lose you", he said.

"Okay. I promise", she said.

I am very confused. Why is it that it took me forever to figure out the names and who's who in BTS but it took me less than a week for Monsta X?? I was so surprised...ANYWAYS...Wonho though🥰

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