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I will make a smut soon. Just haven't had the right inspiration for it. But luckily for you guys this will be a bit DIRTY.

Sadness never really hits you until your boyfriend leaves on tour. You hate being away from him. But you support him so if he's happy, you're happy.

Video chats, phones calls, and sweet text messages from him are what keeps you from going insane. Sometimes he calls you drunk, other times he calls you just to see how you're doing, and whenever he send messages, it's either cute pictures of him enjoying himself with his friends or just small conversations with him.

You really like when he takes the time to text or call you really quick before anything. Though two nights ago you received a very revealing picture of your boyfriend's lower region. He was holding it while biting his bottom lip. Couldn't see his eyes though. Following that picture came three very dirty text messages. You were wondering if he was really drunk but you didn't text him back. You hadn't talked to him since that day. It's not something he would do. Not mad, just very confused.

Friday afternoon you were at the dance studio that you work at, cleaning the mirrors before heading for lunch. No one was around so you could blast music and enjoy the cleaning. A song that came out that got you excited was Hoseok's. He would always share his music with you before releasing it so you can give him feedback but you were no professional.

Without realizing, you began to dance. Although you hate dancing, you always do it when you're alone because you couldn't help it. You swayed your head side to side, back and forth all while moving your body. You were cleaning at the same time but dancing was what you were focused on. You were dancing for at least five minutes until someone stopped the music. Turning around to see what happened, you met eyes with a smirking Hoseok, arms crossed as he leaned against the wall.

"Um..how long have you been standing there?", you asked, standing straight.

"Long enough to see the show", he said, pushing himself off the wall.

"You could've said something. That was really embarrassing!", you groaned, turning away so he wouldn't see how red your face was.

"Oh come on. Are you not happy to see your boyfriend that you haven't seen in two months?", he asked.

You rolled your eyes and wrapped your arms around him, taking in his scent. He smiled, resting his chin on your shoulder. The hug lasted about three minutes. He pulled away sooner but you told him you didn't wanna let go yet.

When you did, you smiled at him but then remembered the messages. You cleared your throat and scratched the back of your neck before laughing awkwardly.

"When did you get back?", you asked, turning to continue to clean the mirrors.

He smirked, knowing why you were acting that way. Usually around him, you're always kissing his cheek or hugging him. You were never shy around him...until today. He actually liked it.

"Earlier today. I wanted to surprise you. I went to your house but your sister told me you were here, working", he said.

He would walk towards you but you kept facing different directions, trying to find other ways to clean the practice room.

"Are you almost done here?", he asked.

"Um..yeah I'm almost done. I was going to get lunch afterwards. You should come with me. I have nothing to do after", you said.

"Mm I'd love to", he smiled.


You ordered take out and went to his house to watch some movies. He chose the movie while you set the food on the coffee table. You sat next to him, enjoying the movie but all he could focus on was you. He placed his hand on your inner thigh, lightly squeezing while staring at the screen of the tv. A soft gasp escaped your lips, causing the corner of Hoseok's lip to rise.

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