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Requested by @tinyturrtle

I gently closed my eyes and took a deep breath in, slowly exhaling after. I stepped forward and glanced over the cliff but instantly stepped back and crouched down to hug my knees, breathing heavily.

"Ugh, how am I supposed to go bungee jumping if I keep panicking", I groaned as I covered my face with my hands.

The company that I worked for told me that I have to go bungee jumping with the guys and other staff. No one knows about my fear of heights. I should've said something but if I did, they'll think I won't put an effort into it.

I sat down on the ground as I heard my phone ring.

"(Y/n), where are you? They changed the plans. We're bungee jumping today."

"What?? I thought it was tomorrow..", I said.

"I know but they said they have to shoot today. Where are you? I'll go pick you up."


As soon as I saw Jimin's car, I stood up from crouching and got inside the car. Jimin was smiling but I kept biting my lip.

"What were you doing here?", he asked.

"I just wanted some air", I said.

"Well you'll be getting some air alright. I'm excited, are you?", Jimin asked.

"..yeah", I said, staring out the window.

Jimin sensed something was up but he knew I didn't like talking about personal stuff so he just kept driving. I glanced at Jimin and was about to talk but I felt like he would judge me so I didn't say anything.

When we arrived at the spot, i looked around and noticed we weren't climbing up something. We were already at the top. The bridge was very high from the ground. I had to hold onto the railing as I looked down but instantly regretted it. I took steps back and bumped into Jimin.

"Hey, you okay?", he chuckled as he held me from falling back.

"Yeah", I said.

I hugged myself as we gathered with the rest of the guys and staff that were gonna jump. The guys were gonna go first and then the staff. I watched as they jumped but didn't dare to look down. I was 10 feet from the railing.

"(Y/n), you're next", one of the staff said.

I took a deep breath and walked towards the edge. While they got me ready, I kept taking deep breathes but it didn't seem to be working.

"Okay, you're ready. Jump when you want", the staff said.

I held onto the railing tightly. I closed my eyes and felt my body shaking. I could hear everyone at the bottom cheering for me but it wasn't helping.

"I-I can't do it. I change my mind", I said, holding the railing tighter.

"You can't change your mind now. You have to jump", one of the staff said.

Tears began to blur my vision. My heart was racing and I felt like I was gonna pass out. My breathing was uneven.


"What's going on?", Jimin asked as he looked up.

"She doesn't wanna jump", their manager said as he held the walkie talkie close to his face.

"Then why don't they help her get back?", Jin asked.

"They're making her jump. I think she's having an anxiety attack. She's crying", their manager said.

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