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Requested by @anonymous

"What the hell are you doing?"

Jungkook, who happens to be (y/n)'s best friend since they were just toddlers, came out of his room with his hair all messed up from the two hour nap he decided to take. He found (y/n) sitting near the coffee table, about ten bottles of orange juice in front of her.

"Have you ever thought about how whether all orange juice of different brands taste the same? It's like water. Many people say not all water taste the same. I agree. And I've already tried three of the brands. I can say this one is a bit sour while this one is really sweet. The third one has quite a balance", she pointed to the third bottle of orange juice.

"You're so weird and nerdy. I don't know what Yoongi sees in you", Jungkook shook his head, crawling over the couch to hug the pillow.

"Oh come on, you know you love me", she stuck her tongue out at him.

Rolling his eyes, he grabbed the last bottle of orange juice down the line and took a sip, shutting his eyes as the taste did not satisfy him.

"Wtf is this??", he asked, putting the bottle down.

She grabbed the bottle and read the label, widening her eyes as she realized what it was.

"Oops. This must be my brother's. I think he forgot to take it with him. He likes a little bit of alcohol with his orange juice. But it's weird alcohol. He mixes a bunch of stuff", she put that one aside and continued with her experiment.

Jungkook watched (y/n) open the fourth bottle of orange juice and served herself a cup. She took a sniff before taking a small sip, pressing her lips together.

"Mm..not quite bad", she shrugged her shoulders.

"You know Yoongi is coming over. Are you gonna keep doing that?", he asked.

He meant if she's gonna keep doing these experiments around Yoongi because he thinks that's not attractive. But not all guys have the same preferences and types.

"Screw you. If this bothers you, go to your room and try to beat the Boss in that new Super Mario game. I'm sure your future girlfriend will be very proud", she rolled her eyes.

"Hey! One day when I do get a girlfriend, she will be very impressed with my video gaming skills. While you will be alone in your room, experimenting with soda cans", he said, throwing the small pillow at her.

"You are wrong. And stop throwing the pillows around. It's not like you waste any time going shopping for our new apartment", she said, setting the nice purple pillow aside.

He chuckled and stood up, heading towards the kitchen to serve himself a glass of water. He grabbed an orange and began to peel, putting his phone in front of him.

"Yoongi's here. Can you go open the gate for him? I'm occupied", Jungkook said, showing the orange.

"You seriously can't get your ass off the chair because of an orange? He's your friend", she scoffed.

"But he's your future boyfriend. That's if you stop all of that nerdy crap you're doing. You know he's the captain of the basketball team, right? He won't wanna be seen with you like this", Jungkook said, referring to her messy bun, round glasses, and grey sweatpants.

As he walked out the door, (y/n) rolled her eyes again, knowing he's just kidding. Jungkook is never embarrassed whenever she's like that but he likes teasing her. The reason why he says Yoongi wouldn't want to be seen with her like that is because she knows he likes her the way she friends of course.

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