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Requested by @chennie_1992

You would say you're pretty close to your boyfriend's group mates. They're comfortable around you and don't see you as a 'crazy fan' mostly because you were going out with Jungkook. He didn't have a problem with you hanging out with them but he's been acting strange these past couple of days. There was one time you were waiting for Jungkook outside of your work so he can take you home but he wasn't answering his phone, assuming he was busy so you called Hoseok to see if he could take you home. On the way, he asked you if you were hungry which you replied with a yes. Then he offered to take you out to eat. Since Jungkook was busy working, you didn't have anything else to do so it wouldn't hurt to say yes. Eventually Jungkook found out and got upset.Ever since then he's been keeping an eye on you whenever you were around Hoseok.

"(Y/n), have you seen Jungkook? I need to give him something", Taehyung asked.

You sat up from the couch that was in the office and pointed towards the other door that lead to next door. Taehyung quickly went inside and thanked you.

Jungkook has been working on his solo song for the album, it's been a few weeks. He hardly spends time with you but you support him either way. He knows you love him.

"Hey, you bored?", Hoseok walked in and sat down next to you, handing you a water bottle.

"A little. Jungkook is working on his song. He said we're gonna go out to eat lunch when he takes a break but that was over three hours ago. I doubt he'll be taking a break soon", you said.

"Well I'm planning to buy food for the guys. Wanna come?", Hoseok asked.

You looked over at the door that separated you and Jungkook, thinking about how he wouldn't notice you being gone for a few minutes.

"Sure", you smiled and followed him out the building.

He made sure he put on his mask and left any items that he didn't want to misplace. You were walking next to him while he talked about which was his favorite food to eat from the restaurant they were going to.

"Their club sandwiches are amazing. There's literally nothing else I get from that place", he laughed, putting his hands together.

"Really? Well maybe I should try that since I don't really know what else they make there", you said.

After getting the food, you notice someone taking pictures of the both of you.

"Should we be worried?", you asked.

"No. Must be a shy harmless fan. Come on, Jin Hyun will kill me if we're not back with the food", he said.

While walking back, the same girl who had been taking pictures was a few feet behind you two but neither of you realized it.

"Need help?", Hoseok asked you as he noticed you struggling to carry the other bags.

"No I'm fine", you said, almost dropping one of them.

He chuckled and grabbed one of the bags from your hands. He smiled at you after thanking him. He opened the entrance door for you, following when you walked inside.

"How is he not tired yet?", you asked as you entered the break room.

"Jungkook? Well he wants the song to be perfect. He doesn't wanna disappoint anyone", Hoseok said.

He placed the bags of food on the table and sat down in front of you. You took out your food and began eating. When you took a bite of the club sandwich, your eyes widened from how delicious it is.

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