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Requested by @Taewithsuga-r

Taehyung has been tutoring so many girls and all of them have been trying to get with him but he only has eyes for one girl who he will tutor at the end of the week. She had asked him if he can help with English lit. homework. He always helps her with anything she struggles with.

"Yah, are you even listening?", Taehyung's friend kept snapping his fingers in front of his face, getting his attention back.

"What?", Taehyung asked.

"What are you staring at?", his friend asked.

When he looked over, he smirked as he realized it wasn't a what but a who.

"Jeez, isn't tutoring her enough for you?", his friend joked.

Taehyung glanced over at Faith, the girl he's been interested in for over a year. She was sitting on one of the benches, reading a book that's probably for her English lit. class.

"If you really like her, ask her out", his friend said.


It was Friday morning. Faith was getting ready to go to school. As she fixed her hair, she received a text message from Taehyung asking if he can walk her to school. The weird feeling on her chest made her throw her phone on her bed, accidentally calling Taehyung.


"Crap", she muttered as she ran to her phone.

"Anyone there?"

"Sorry. My phone fell and I guess it must have dialed you", she chuckled awkwardly.

"That's fine. So? Can I walk you to school?"

"Um..I'm still getting ready. Don't you go in before me?", she asked.

"Class got cancelled. And since my other class starts in about an hour just like yours, I thought it would be nice if we walked together. Is that alright?"

"..sure. Just text me", she said.

After hanging up, she quickly did whatever was left but then at last minute, she looked at herself in the mirror and wasn't satisfied with her outfit. Since Friday's are days where the students can wear anything other than their uniforms, she thought the usual t-shirt and jeans weren't gonna cut it if she's gonna be seen with Taehyung.

Throwing herself back into her closet, she skimmed through her clothes and found a white blouse and light blue skirt that she can match with her black shoes. It wasn't what she's usually comfortable with but it'll have to do since Taehyung was already waiting outside.

"Hey", he smiled as she walked towards him.

His dark brown hair was gone and was now blonde. Her hand was tempted to touch it and maybe slightly pull it but enough of her sexual fantasies.

Taehyung noticed the way she was dressed and tried not to look down at her chest since there was a bit of cleavage. Faith wasn't the only one with sexual fantasies.

"You look nice", he said, forcing himself to look into her eyes.

"Thanks. I like your hair. It really suits you", she said.

The walk to school was a bit awkward. Faith tried her hardest not to stare at Taehyung. But her fantasy of tying him up on a chair and holding him as a sex slave kept popping up in her head.

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