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*Is this a smut? Sadly for you guys, no. But it's a bit dirty. Don't worry, a smut will come soon*

You were wearing your comfy grey sweats along with a long sleeve crop top to be able to practice comfortably. Although a pair of eyes were always on you. While standing in front of the mirrors, you took out your chapstick and put it on your lips. You were looking at yourself before turning your attention to the guy not too far from you.

Kim Namjoon, the biggest tease you have ever met. It all started two months ago when you stayed late at night practicing. That day he was wearing shorts so without thinking much you commented on how great his legs are. Out of all things you could say, you went with that. What did he do? He backed you up onto a wall and whispered in your ear. What did he whisper? A bunch of inappropriate things on what he can do since you two were the only ones there.

It then escalated from there.

Present day, your coach had asked you to go over the choreography for a show coming up. You already know it from beginning to end but practice helps you relax from any nerves you felt.

Three hours and forty five minutes. That's how long you practiced. But all that time, you still felt eyes on you. Does he intimidate you? Maybe a little. But you always wondered what's behind those dark brown eyes of his.

As you packed up your things, you glanced over your shoulder and noticed Namjoon talking to his friends. They probably finished practicing.

"Don't even think about it", your coach said.

"What?", you asked, placing your bag over your shoulder.

"You know you're not supposed to be involved with idols, especially one of them. Stay away, okay? You're doing great so far. Don't mess it up", she said before leaving.

You sighed, looking back one more time but this time Namjoon was staring back at you. Usually he would smirk or wink but he was smiling at you. He waved but you quickly got up and left.

Walking down the quiet hallway, you took out your phone and was about to dial a taxi but your phone was taken away. When you looked back, Namjoon was holding it while smirking.

"Give that back", you said.

"Mm no, I think I'll keep it", he said, putting in his right pocket.

"I have to call a taxi to go home. I can't walk because it's too far", you said.

"Then wait for me and I can take you somewhere you won't regret", he said.

"I can't be involved with you. Now give me my phone", you said.

He didn't budge. Annoyed, you put your hand in his pocket, startling him.

"Whoa, at least take me to dinner first", he smirked as he grabbed your wrist.

He kept your hand in his pocket. His face got closer to yours while he pushed a few strands of hair behind your ear. His smirk grew, among other things.

"Someone's gonna see us", you said, looking around to see if anyone was near.

"Then why aren't you pushing away?", he asked.

Because you really wanted him but you didn't want to admit it.

He chuckled at your silence, letting go of your wrist. You pulled your phone out and cleared your throat, feeling your face heat up.

"Seriously though, wait for me. I just need to get my things. We can go get something to eat, if you want", he said.

You wanted to say no but your stomach was growling a big YES. As soon as he heard your stomach, he smiled and told you to wait for him outside, that he wouldn't take long. Before you can decline, he was already walking back to the practice room.

BTS Imagines 4 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now