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Requested by @anonymous

You and Taehyung have been together for almost a year. Everything has been amazing. He treats as if you are the only person he sees. He's not selfish at all. Whenever he gets invited to go somewhere, he always asks if you wanna go. Last vacation you had with him is when he invited you to go with him and his family to the mountains and get involved in activities. It was fun except you embarrassed yourself trying to skate, snowboard, and even walk without plummeting your face onto the snow. But his family loved you.

Christmas break was over which meant you had to go back to hell called school. But you haven't seen your boyfriend in a week and can't wait to finally hug and kiss him.

You were standing in front of your locker, grabbing the books that you need when your best friend ran towards you, a smile on her face.

"So?? How was it? Meeting his family I mean", she asked.

"They don't hate me, that's the most important thing", you said.

"And? Did something else happen?", she asked, anticipating for the answer she wants to hear.

"Like what?", you asked.

"You know what I'm talking about. Oh come on, tell me. Don't leave me hanging like this", she whined.

"Okay fine. Yes something else happened", you admitted, blushing intensely as you recall what happened.

She squealed happily while jumping up and down.

"So?? How was it??", she asked.

"It was...weird..and a little awkward. His mom walked in on us", you said.

"What?? So you didn't even-"

"No. Not the first time anyways. His parents left on a business trip and we were alone for the weekend", you said.

"You know you have to give more details", she said.

"What's more to say? It was romantic and all", you tried pushing her off the topic, feeling a bit embarrassed.

"You're so cute being all shy. Are you gonna do it again?", she asked.

"I don't know. Not anytime soon. He's working right now. I'm not gonna see him until tomorrow", you said.

"Have you guys talked about it?", she asked.

"Not really. The next morning we just acted as if nothing happened. It's not a bad thing. I think he thought that I felt a bit uncomfortable talking about it", you said.

"No that is bad. You're hurting his pride. If he thinks you're uncomfortable, then that means he thinks you didn't like it. You should talk to him about it and make it clear", she advised.


"Nope. I don't wanna hear it. Have you even told him you love him?", she asked.

You shook your head and dug your face into your locker, whining.

"You have a lot of explaining to do", she shook her head in disappointment.


When school was finished, you were headed out to walk towards the bus stop. You kept thinking about what you were gonna say to Taehyung. The more you thought about it, the more nervous you got.

As you exited the building, you froze when you spotted a familiar person leaning against his car. He was smiling as soon as he saw you and pushed himself off his car.

"There's my baby", he smiled, opening his arms wide so he could hug you.

"Taehyung, I thought you were coming back tomorrow", you smiled back, hugging him tightly.

"They canceled the meeting so I took the next plane out and immediately drove over here", he said.

You pulled away and weirdly you avoided eye contact with him. He noticed your cheeks were turning red. He grabbed your hands and pulled you closer, kissing your forehead.

"You okay?", he asked.

"Yeah", you answered.

"Are you sure? You haven't called me since we parted ways", he said.

"...actually, I need to talk to you", you said.

"Okay. Let's go somewhere else so you can be comfortable", he said, opening the car door for you.

He drove you to the park when you would have your dates. You sat down on the benches next to the lake.

"So what's going on? Do you wanna break up with me?", he asked.

"Is that what you think? Oh no, why couldn't I just told you what I felt?? We could've avoided this", you whined to yourself.

"(Y/n), what are you taking about?", he asked.

"I never want you to think that I'm breaking up with you just because I'm too shy and uncomfortable to really tell you what I feel and I just love you so much and I did like what we did that weekend. I don't want you thinking that you were horrible. You were really really good and someday I wanna do it again, I just want to feel super comfortable that way it won't become boring", you breathed out as you talked quickly.

He placed both of his hands on your cheeks to calm you down, kissing your lips softly.

"It's okay (y/n). I want you to feel super comfortable as well. You don't have to do anything you don't want to. That will just confuse you. And I'm so glad you're saying this. I actually did think I did something wrong that you didn't like but now that you talked to me. If you feel uncomfortable about something, feel free to talk to me. I won't judge you at all, understand?", he asked, pushing a few strands of hair behind your ear.

You nodded, wrapping your arms around him. He kissed the top of your head and embraced you in a hug.

"By the way, I love you too", he smiled.

You blushed intensely and laughed awkwardly. He couldn't stop smiling from how embarrassed you got.

"Um..also...have you talked to your mom about..you know..", you asked, scratching the back of your neck.

"I have. She apologized. She really likes you", he said.

"I doubt it. I'm making her son into a pervert", you joked.

"Hey I was already a pervert. You just make my inner pervert come out", he smirked.

"I shouldn't have said anything", you rolled your eyes.

"Oh come on, I know you like my pervertedness", he chuckled.

"At least you're not boring", you chuckled.

"See, I knew it", he smiled confidently.

"Shut up", you playfully punched his arm.

Both of you went for a romantic walk on the park, holding each other's hands and commenting what you love about each other.

I know it's been a while. I do apologize. I've just been handling a few things. I do have something to share with you. Unfortunately Wizard passed away. I had taken off his leash as I was walking him in front of my building and he ended up running to the street where a car had struck him. I took him to the vet and they couldn't really do anything. I'm still trying to process the news and keep hoping to hear his barks as I walk inside. He was the awesomest best friend I've ever had. I promise once I feel a bit stronger, I will continue to post daily. I might post here and there because writing does make me feel better but at the moment it's a bit difficult what to write. Anyways, thank you guys for understanding! I love you❤️

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