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Requested by @leilei3002

*Warning: SMUT!* I have no idea how long it's been since I've done a smut so I'll try my best😅

Your mom had asked if you can go to the grocery store to pick up a few things for dinner. Although you didn't want to go, you were gonna have company so you didn't want them to have a bad first impression of you.

While putting on your shoes, you glanced at the tv screen and noticed they were advertising Kpop merchandise at a store nearby. You knew if you asked your mom to give you money for it, she'd say no so you turned away with a sigh and went out the door.

You walked for ten minutes until you arrived at the market. Usually you would grab a cart but your mom gave you a small list so you didn't think you'd need it. While walking through the aisles, you received a message from your mom with another list of what you need to buy. You groaned and thought about getting a cart but that's all the way across the market.

"It's only a few more things. I can carry them with no problem", you told yourself while putting your phone in your back pocket.

You were now getting the last thing on your list. What you needed was all the way on top of the shelf. Both your arms were occupied from carrying everything else.

"Damn", you muttered.

You tried reaching but you couldn't. Then you bumped into someone and dropped everything on the floor.

"Shoot, I'm so sorry."

You kneeled down and picked everything up. The guy kneeled down as well and helped you, apologizing once again. You recognized that voice but it couldn't be possible. Your eyes slowly went up to meet his. Even though he was wearing a mask, you knew those eyes anywhere.

"Y-You're..you're Jimin..", you said, gasping.

"..you recognize me? Well I guess I'm bad at disguising myself", he chuckled and was about to hand you the things you're gonna buy but realized you didn't have a cart.

"Need help?", he asked.

"Um..no it's okay. I can carry it", you said, extending your arms.

"By looking at how tiny you are, I doubt it. I don't mind helping. You need anything else?", he asked.

"Um, just one more thing but I can't reach it", you said, pointing at the top shelf.

As he reached over, you were internally screaming your head off. Every time you would see him on tv, you always tell yourself meeting him will never happen because you're never lucky. And here he is, carrying your groceries for you.

"Ah Alright, anything else?", he asked, looking back at you.

"Um..no. That's it", you said.

He smiled and noticed a tattoo on your wrist.

"Nice tattoo. What does it mean?", he asked.

"Oh I got it after my grandma passed away", you said, looking down at the tattoo.

"That's nice. What did your parents think?", he asked.

"They didn't like it but they said at least it's not something bad", you said.

While waiting in line to pay, Jimin stood beside you while carrying the groceries. You glanced up at him and tried to process that it was really him.

"You don't have to wait until I pay. You can go if you want to", you said.

"No it's fine. I can help you carry it to wherever you're going", he said.

"I'm sure you have better things to do", you said.

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