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Requested by @besentimental

Will be announcing the big news at the end of this imagine so stay tuned!

(Y/n) was sitting next to her best friend as they talked about who's who in the party. Since she doesn't really go out as much, Jungkook thought it was a good idea to go with him to the party that his friends invited him to.

"So you see the guy with the red hat? He's the son of one of the most important CEO's out there. He's always around our building, talking to my manager. But he seems a bit cocky and conceited so if he talks to you when you're there, try not to add to the fuel", he joked.

"What do you mean 'add to the fuel'?", she asked.

"He thinks he can get any girl and if he's flirting with you and you're accepting it, he won't stop", he said.

(Y/n) glanced at the guy with the red hat. He was already looking at her so just like Jungkook said, don't add to the fuel. She quickly looked away and pretended to be looking at something else.

"What do I do? He's coming over here", she said to Jungkook.

Without saying anything, Jungkook placed his arm over her shoulders and sat closer to her, whispering in her ear. She was used to him doing things like this ever since she had asked him to help her out with a guy who kept bothering her. Sometimes it works and sometimes it doesn't.

"Hey, aren't you supposed to be working? Last time I checked your manager wasn't so fond of his boys partying", the guy said as he stood a few feet away from them.

"What's it to you?", Jungkook asked.

"So is this your girlfriend? Your manager isn't so fond with that either", the guy said.

"It's really none of your business", Jungkook said.

"Hmm...I'm Hyuk-Jae and you are?", the guy asked her with a smirk.

"Um..(y/n)", she answered.

"(Y/n). Beautiful name. Anyways, if you get bored, I'll be right over there", he said before walking away.

When he was out of sight, Jungkook sighed and sat back.

"What does he have against you?", she asked.

"It's not just me. He wants his father to see him as a person who is hardworking and reliable but even his father can't stand him. Hyuk-Jae gets so angry that he takes it out on other people. But don't worry, your boyfriend here will protect you", he joked.


After work, (y/n) waited for Jungkook to pick her up. Even though it was almost midnight, she wasn't worried since he usually comes late because of dance practice. She sat down on one of the benches and took out her phone. She was so busy looking at her schedule for tomorrow that she didn't realize who was behind her.

She screamed when a pair of hands covered her eyes.

"Jungkook! That's so not funny! I almost dropped my phone because of you. If I had, it would've cracked. Then you'd have to buy me a new one", she said.

"Yeah whatever. Are you ready to go?", he asked.

"I've been ready. Let's go", she walked beside him.

Unfortunately his car broke down and he had to walk twenty minutes to pick her up and then thirty minutes back. She felt bad so to able to make it up to him, she thought of making him food.

"So how was work? Any whiny customers?", he asked.

"There will always be whiny customers. But today not as much. I'm actually getting promoted to manager so now I'll be in charge", she said.

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