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Requested by @winglessbangtan

(Y/n) was on her way from dance class, excited to tell her grandma good news. She was running while sweat covered her hair. Turning the corner of the street, she locked eyes on the black door of the apartment. Not taking the elevator, she ran up the stairs until she was on her floor. The keys stumbled in her hands as she tried to find the right one. Right after opening the door, she ran inside.

"Grandma, I got the part of Juliet! You were right!", she yelled excitedly while looking around the apartment.

She's usually in the kitchen but oddly she wasn't there. She checked everywhere until she was in her room, sitting down on the chair next to her window.

"Grandma?", she called out.

She walked towards her and noticed her eyes slightly open. She softly shook her arm but nothing. She then felt her pulse and didn't feel anything. She tripped back and tried holding back the tears but seeing her there, lifeless, only made it worse.

The day of her funeral she didn't feel like talking to anyone. There were many who felt sorry for her because she had no one else.

-4 Years later-

"Can I get a few napkins please?"

(Y/n) went around the tables and noticed a man's six year old daughter accidentally spilled her drink. She grabbed a wet rag and cleaned the table, making sure it wasn't sticky.

She has been working at the Dine n' Out for almost two years. She hated it at first but ended up seeing it as a second home.

"I'm so sorry about this", the man said.

"No it's okay. I have a child of my own. I know how messy things can get but we love them either way", she said.

"You seem a bit too young to have a child. How old are you?", he asked.

She has been told and asked that by many people. She would've thought she'd get used to it but all she can think about is what people see her as.

"(Y/n), we have a few more tables to fill", her coworker said.

"Excuse me", she said to the man before walking towards the customers waiting for a table.

She works eight hours every four days. The other three days she spends it with her daughter. No matter how tired she is, she always gives her time to her.

Once she arrived at the apartment, she smiled when she saw her daughter playing with blocks.

"Hey, I'm back", she said to the babysitter who was cleaning up in the kitchen.

"Oh, you're back early. You usually come around 6. Sorry about the mess. Once I cleaned something, she would be making a mess somewhere else", the babysitter said.

(Y/n) picked her daughter up into her arms and kissed her cheek. She paid the babysitter and thanked her, locking the door after she left.

"You wanna help me clean up Maia? Here, I'll show you", she placed her down on the ground and showed her how to put the blocks back into the bin.

Maia grabbed two blocks at a time and placed them in the bin, smiling after. (Y/n) sighed, looking up at the picture of her grandmother that is hung up on the wall of the living room.


The next day (y/n) went to work early so she can spend more time with Maia. Once she arrived at the diner, she put on her uniform and cleaned all of the tables.

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