RM (Pt. 2)

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"Hm..wonder why Namjoon didn't come in today", you mumbled to yourself, sharing an awkward space with the lonely shop.

You turned on the tv and first thing that popped up was he news. You were about to change the channel until something caught your attention.

"Another murder has been reported from an anonymous caller. A 75 year old lady was stabbed exactly 20 times and was pronounced dead at the scene. Her name is ____________-"

You dropped the remote as they showed a picture of the lady. It's Namjoon's grandma.

Without even thinking, you ran out of the shop and towards Namjoon's house which was about fifteen minutes away. When you arrived, the house was taped so no one could go in. A bunch of neighbors and reporters surrounded the house, trying to figure out what happened. You pushed yourself through the crowd and tried to pass the yellow tape but a cop stopped you.

"Sorry miss, no one is allowed in here", he said.

"But I knew her. Where's Namjoon?? He should be around here", you scanned the scene but you couldn't see him.

"Maybe he's in the house. You can tell him it's (y/n) who's looking for him. Please", you begged the cop.

"Namjoon? Did he know the victim?", the cop asked.

"Yes. He's her grandson. Is he not here?", you asked.

"No one was around when we got here. Please follow me", he began walking inside the house with you behind him.

He asked you to sit on the couch, making sure to let the others know to cover up the body. You looked around and noticed picture frames on the floor, glass everywhere. It's as if she struggled.

"Now, tell me everything you know", he said.

"..I just met her yesterday. She was really sweet. He introduced me to her", you said.

"Were they close? Did he have any access to her things?", he asked.

"Why are you asking?", you said.

"You do know that she owned more than $2 million dollars, right?", he asked.

"..no. Like I said, I barely met her yesterday. Namjoon never talked about things like that. Just what he does when he gets back from work", you said.

"Was he struggling with money?", he asked.

"No. I mean, we get paid a really good amount. Why are you asking? You don't really think he did this right? There's no way", you said.

"Miss, he lives with her and he's missing. He's our main suspect. Can you try to get in contact with him? He'll probably answer to you", he said.

"He's not gonna answer if he knows you guys are looking for him", you said.

"Fine. Where were you yesterday around midnight?", he asked.

"At home with my friend. Before that I was on a date", you answered.

"I'm gonna need their names and info", he said.

You sighed and rolled your eyes.

After they let you go, you went ahead to look for Namjoon. There was a place he would always talk about with you so you had to trust that option.

You peeked under the pier, softly gasping as you spotted Namjoon sitting on the sand, hoodie over his head. You walked up to him and placed your hand on his shoulder, startling him.

"Namjoon, what the hell??", you can see his eyes were red, probably from crying.

"Leave me alone", he said, shrugging your hand away.

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