RM (Pt. 1)

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Normally you don't go out to clubs but it was something you had to deal with. You've been keeping your eye on your target for almost an hour. A drink in your hands as your leg went over the other one, leaning back as you noticed him glancing at you. His friends were encouraging him to talk to you but he seemed a bit hesitant. The dress you were wearing had a slit on the side, showing a bit of leg. Once he was making his way towards you, you placed your drink on the table in front of you.

"Mind if I join you?", he asked, glancing at the empty chair in front of you.

You motioned him to sit down which he gladly did.

"What are you doing here by yourself?", he asked.

"I can't have a good time on my own?", you asked.

"So you want to be alone?", he raised an eyebrow.

"I don't mind the company", you shrugged your shoulders, taking a sip from your drink but keeping your eyes on him.

"I'm Namjoon", he smiled, extending his hand.

"(Y/n)", you said, taking your hand in his to shake it.

"Nice to meet you", he said.

"Likewise", you smirked softly.

You talked for a few minutes until he asked you to dance. Of course you couldn't say no. His friends either smirked or teased him but you didn't care. You came for one thing.

You pulled yourself close to him and placed your hands around his neck. You didn't care who was watching, whether they think you can't dance or if they're calling you names. He kept whispering in your ear, saying sweet things.

When you two finished dancing, you went over to the booth while he went to get drinks. He handed you your drink and sat down right next to you and got to talking some more. His hand was on your thigh while you kept touching his hair. After about two hour of talking, he checked his phone and said he had to leave.

"I really had fun with you. I would like it if we got to know each other some more. How about it?", he asked.

"I would love that", you smiled and handed your phone to him so he can save his number while you did the same.

When he left, you took out your phone and made a call.

"Boss, it worked. I will need a bit more time though. This one is a bit tough to break down", you said.

"Take all the time you need. But I do expect the deed to be done as soon as possible. You're doing great. Keep me updated."

"I will", you said and hung up.

You grabbed your purse and got into your car, driving away to your house that was paid for by your boss.


All week you've been texting and calling Namjoon. You were getting to know him more but you've been wanting to see him in person though he's busy with work. The only days he is free is the weekends. It was Friday so he had promised to take you out on a date.

You bought a new dress, one where it doesn't show too much skin but still makes his eyes pop out. You curled your hair and did your make up. When he arrived in his car, you checked yourself before going out.

"You look amazing", he smiled, opening he car door for you.

"As do you", you said, kissing his cheek before getting inside the car.

He took you to a restaurant near the beach. He reserved a table just for the two of you and even hired someone to play music. After ordering the food, he looked over at you and held your hand.

"So do you take all the girls here?", you asked.

"No. It's been a couple of years since I've been in a relationship. So I apologize if I say something stupid", he chuckled.

"I doubt you'll say anything stupid. I already find you pretty interesting", you smiled.

"It's weird. My friends kept saying that you wouldn't agree to go out with me. Guess they were wrong. They always think I can never get the pretty girls", he said.

"So you're just going out with me for my looks?", you raised an eyebrow.

"No, hopefully you don't think that. I just think it's really easy for me to talk to you. My last girlfriend, she never really liked going out. All she cared about was herself. She wasn't like that at first but I don't know. I guess I let my guard down. Everyday she expected me to buy her things. She changed a lot. That's why I couldn't continue with the relationship", he said.

"I get what you mean. My ex boyfriend expected me to do everything. I really liked him but after we had sex, he dumped me to be with my sister. I didn't think the person closest to me would betray me like that. I haven't spoken to her in over two years. I'm happy now though", you said.

"So you have trust issues or..?", he asked.

"I kinda gave up on trusting people. But when I saw you, I felt something different. I know that sounds cheesy but I guess I can give dating another chance", you said.

"You can trust me. I promise. I'm not the type to rush into anything so we can take our time getting to know each other", he smiled.

The food was amazingly delicious. Namjoon wasn't shy on talking about anything. He would always come up with some type of conversation. His eyes never left yours but whenever he got flustered, he would look away but immediately looked back at you.

After the date, he took you back to your house. From the corner of your eye, you can see his fingers fidgeting on the steering wheel. He must be nervous.

He opened the car door for you and held your hand to help you out. He followed you up to your front door and held his grip on both of your hands.

"I had fun. I really did", he said.

"I did too. No one has ever been that nice to me while on a date. Hopefully we can go out again", you said.

"Of course. I'll let you know when I can. Well...I'll let you go inside now. Goodnight", he smiled.

"Goodnight", you smiled back.

He leaned down, expecting him to kiss you so you closed your eyes but felt his lips on your forehead. When you opened your eyes, he looked down at you.

"Like I said, I'm not the type to rush into anything. So goodnight again and I'll text you in the morning", he smiled and headed towards his car.

You were kinda shocked. You went inside your house and took out your phone, dialing a number.

"Boss, it's me. Yeah, I got him right where I want him."

Hey Hey, it's me. How are you guys? I'm a bit sick but not as much as before so good sign. Plus, I took this quiz on Soompi and honestly I've dreamt about Jimin before so I'm not surprised. But they're totally wrong about being popular with friends😅

 But they're totally wrong about being popular with friends😅

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