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Requested by mytaetaey

*Its not smutty smut but it is dirty.

As you were waking up from a nap, you can feel your boyfriend Taehyung snuggling himself close to your chest. Your face turned red and you had to push him off.

"Whyyyy? I wanna snuggle", he mumbled as he hugged you.

"But....Ugh fine", you said, rolling your eyes.

He smiled and snuggled himself closer to you again. You can feel his hand sneaking his way up your stomach, "accidentally" touching your breast.

"Oops", he giggled.

"Taehyung, you know you can touch them. I already gave you permission remember? But we can't do anything further than that. I wanna wait until we get married", you said.

He smiled and placed his hand on one of your breasts. He began to massage them before sliding his hands up your shirt. You bit your lip and slightly laughed as he found your ticklish spot.

"Not there", you said, lightly hitting his head.

"Sorry", he chuckled.

He pulled down your shirt and took one of your breasts into his mouth. He was massaging roughly and it was making you go crazy. He took his time pleasuring both of your breasts, making sure you were enjoying it. You crossed your legs and felt Taehyung getting hard. You had to push him away to prevent this from escalating.

"What? I wasn't finished", he pouted.

"That's enough. Anyways, you said you were gonna go with me to buy a dress for the wedding", you said.

"Can we wait a little more?", he pouted cutely, poking your sides.

"No. Tomorrow is the wedding and I have nothing to wear. I don't wanna be in a rush. Come on, I need your opinion", you said, pulling up your shirt so you can stand up to leave.


You have already tried on three dresses but they didn't fit because of the size of my breasts. That's what you hated. You can never find anything that fits you perfectly.

You looked for a dress for almost four hours but it was getting late. You decided to wear the dress you wore for graduation. Hopefully it still fits.

When you tried it on at home, it was a bit tight but it did fit. Though it showed a lot of cleavage. You knew you had to wear a cardigan so you'll feel more comfortable.

The next day you and Taehyung got ready for his friend's wedding. You were satisfied with the way you look. He drove you there and made sure you didn't trip with your heels as you walked towards the seats.

As you sat down, Taehyung put his arm around you and tried to grab your breast but you hit his hand.

"Not here", you said.

"Whyyy?", he whined.

"Because were in public. Have some decency", you said.

He pouted and leaned back onto the chair.

You enjoyed the ceremony. One day that'll be you with Taehyung.

After the ceremony, you headed towards a banquet hall so everyone can celebrate the newlyweds. You sat down on a table with Taehyung and ate some cake. You were enjoying yourself until the waiter accidentally bumped into you and dropped wine all over your cardigan. You quickly headed towards the bathroom and took off your cardigan so your dress wouldn't get dirty.

You tried so hard to remove the stain but it was no use. You went back to the table where Taehyung's friends were now sitting and placed your cardigan on the back of your chair. You noticed a few of his friends glancing down at your chest. You cleared your throat and looked away, hoping you would get distracted.

A few minutes later, you felt something wrap around you. Taehyung placed his jacket on you and buttoned it up. You can tell he was bothered because after he wouldn't pay attention to you.

When the wedding was over, you drove back home. You kept glancing over at Taehyung who was too focused on the road. When you tried talking to him, he'd stay silent. He parked the car on the drive way and closed the car door with a slam. You followed him into the house and grabbed his wrist to prevent him from going into the bedroom.

"What is wrong with you?", you asked.

"Really?? You're gonna act like you don't know??", he chuckled coldly, pushing your hand away.

"I don't know. Did I do something wrong?", you asked.

"It's you! Everyone kept looking your breasts and you didn't do anything! You could've asked for my jacket you know. Maybe you wanted everyone to look at your breasts", he said, shaking his head.

"You're exaggerating. I didn't think it was gonna be a problem anyways. And you know that I have trouble finding clothes that actually fit. It's not my fault I had a growth spurt at 13. I can't control my breasts", you said, trying to calm him down.

"Oh come on, you could've had your clothes fitted or something", he said.

"Does it look like I have the money to do that?? I have to pay bills you know", you said.

"Then instead of buying clothes that show a lot of cleavage, buy baggy clothes! I don't want every single guy looking at you! You're not allowed to wear those types of clothes anymore. Especially around my friends", he said.

"What?? You're not the boss of me! And your friends are perverts anyways. Maybe you should tell them to look people in the eyes", you said, crossing your arms over your chest.

He looked down and noticed your breasts looked bigger.

"See! You're doing it on purpose!", he raised his voice.

"I'm not doing anything on purpose! And if my breasts are a problem for you then go look for someone else", you said, turning away and pouting.

"The problem is I'm afraid someone better looking than me will take an interest in you and take you away from me. I don't want that", he said.

You sighed and walked over towards him, placing your arms loosely around his neck.

"Taehyung, I love you and only you. If some other guy come forward and says he wants to go out with me, I'll tell him that I'm already taken by an amazing guy. And that amazing guy is you", you said.

"You forgot handsome", he pouted.

"That too. But next time if my outfit bothers you, let me know. I'll wear a huge sweater even if I look ugly", you said.

"That's not possible. You look good in anything, even naked", he smirked.

"Don't start", you rolled your eyes.

He giggled and kissed you before sitting on the couch.

"Imma go change", you said, heading towards the bedroom.

"Wait! Don't change right now. I still want to look at you", he said.

"But I'm uncomfortable", you said.

"Fine. But wear the pjs I bought for you", he said.

"But....the shirt makes me look fat", you said.

"No it doesn't. If you want I'll wear the pjs you bought for me", he said.

"Okay!", you yelled excitedly, running into the bedroom.

A while later both of you guys wore the pjs you bought for each other. You watched movies and ate junk food until you fell asleep together, forgetting about the situation that happened earlier that day.

How are you guys spending your holidays? I ended up buying a hoodie for my boyfriend. It has me and wizard on it. I honestly thought it was gonna come out bad but it came out pretty good. Technically we've been going out for a few months but made it official a few weeks ago. Things are going great. Where are you guys spending your holidays?

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