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You were looking at yourself in the mirror, wondering whether your outfit was appropriate for your date. All Jin said was to dress as comfortable as possible. You weren't sure what that meant.

"If only Jin was more specific", you said to yourself.

After about an hour of looking through your closet, you stuck with some shorts and a floral blouse along with your black converse. Luckily you checked the weather when you woke up. It's gonna be hot all day.

You finished your look by putting your hair up into a ponytail, placing a black clip near the hair tie. For your eighteenth birthday, Jin gifted you a small charm bracelet which you never take off. You think of it as your good luck charm. You hadn't a single bad day because of it.

"Hey, your boyfriend is downstairs", your sister smirked.

Ever since Jin admitted his feelings towards you, everyone calls him your boyfriend even though you had never disclosed your feelings. You were sure he knows though since you accepted his offer on taking you out on a date.

"He's not my boyfriend-"

"Yet", she smirked.

You rolled your eyes as she left your room, laughing her way out. Grabbing your purse, you took one last glance at the mirror and went downstairs to meet Jin.

"Hey, you ready?", he smiled.

He held your hand and lead you towards his car, opening the door for you. While driving to where he was taking you, he turned on the radio and began singing, making you laugh.

"Wait, you didn't tell me where we're going", you said.

"It's a surprise", he said.

You pouted and looked out the window. From afar you can see an amusement park. You've never been to one before but always wanted to. Deeply sighing, you daydreamed about how it feels to ride a roller coaster, how candy apples taste like. Sure you've tasted a candy apple before but it tasted gross and not sweet at all. Ever since you were a little kid, that's all you wanted to try, a candy apple from an amusement park.

When Jin turned right, your head shot up and kept looking around. He tried not to smile as you began to freak out.

"Are we going to-.....no way..are we?!", she asked excitedly.

"Yes we are. You said you always wanted to go to an amusement park, right? I thought this would be the perfect place for our date", he said.

She clapped her hands and squealed excitedly. Once Jin parked the car, he didn't turn it off yet as you got out. Your mouth gaped open as you watched the roller coasters.

"Come on", Jin said as he held your hand, pulling you forward.

The both of had to go through security check and had to give the tickets to the employee to be able to get in. Right when you entered the amusement park, you noticed a blue roller coaster ride that caught your attention. It had lots of loops and it was fast.

"Jin, can we get on that one??", you asked, shaking his arm.

"Sure. Let's get in line", he said.

It took about half an hour of waiting line before they got on the ride. You strapped yourselves in and waited. When the ride began to move, your heart was racing. You were excited to feel all the adrenaline that everyone feels when on a roller coaster ride. Jin kept looking around, admiring the view from far up.

As the ride went down, you yelled so loud that Jin flinched and covered his ears. He did love that you were enjoying it though.

When it was over, you quickly ran out the exit and hopped repeatedly, waiting for Jin. As soon as you saw him, you grabbed his hand and headed towards another ride.

BTS Imagines 4 (COMPLETED)Where stories live. Discover now