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Requested by @Brazilbabe17

You were heading towards work in a peaceful manner. You love your job. Being an assistant for one of the top magazine buildings is amazing. Not only does your boss love you but she lets you keep a few clothing that has been rejected by the models. You didn't mind.

"Good morning", you said to your boss, giving her a cup of coffee.

"Hey I need you to stay after your shift today. We're having a few interviews and I think you're perfect for it. Do you think you can design something for the models? It can be whatever you want", she said.

"Uh sure! I'd love to", you smiled.

"Alright. Get to it then", she said.

You scurried your way towards your desk and squealed in excitement for a few seconds before becoming serious and focused.

It took you a few hours to make a dress. It didn't look gold to you but you ran out of time so you grabbed it and headed towards the room where the interviews were being taken place.

You were nervous. Every five minutes, you watched women come out either happy or upset. Some clothing came out better than yours.

It was now your turn for the interview. You didn't have much experience but you did mention all the work you assisted in. They did say the dress needed some work but it was also unique, something they were looking for. They gave you another chance to design something else and if it comes out a bit better than the dress, they'll hire you.

It was around 10pm when you were walking back home. You couldn't wait to tell your boyfriend.

"Jungkook, I have good news!", you said as you walked into the house.

You stopped as you noticed a candlelit dinner in the kitchen. Rose petals were scattered all over the floor and soft music was playing, creating romantic vibes.

You looked around and found Jungkook sitting on the couch, drinking alcohol.

"Jungkook?", you said.

He put the bottle on the coffee table and placed his hands on his knees.

"Where were you? Do you know how many times I've been calling you??", he said, jaw clenching from his anger.

"I'm sorry. My phone turned off. But I have someth-"

"You forgot didn't you?", he asked.

You raised an eyebrow and walked towards him.

"You really must not care about our relationship", he muttered before storming off into the bedroom, slamming the door shut.

"What the hell?", you said, confused.

You plugged in your phone to charge it. When it turned on, you checked your messages. There were eight from Jungkook. You clicked on it and the first message made you almost drop your phone.

"Crap. How can I forget something like this?", you groaned, mentally cussing at yourself.

You placed your bag on the couch and headed towards the bedroom. He locked the door.

"Jungkook, I'm sorry. Please open the door", you said.

He must be really angry at you. To go through all of that and you ruined it because you forgot the most important day.

"I know you're mad. I would be too. I'm a horrible girlfriend. I promised you that I would try and I'm messing everything up", you said, sighing as you looked down at the ground.

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