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This is my favorite so far!
*I know nothing about Elves*

Y/n) is the daughter of one of the most strongest and fearless warriors that has ever lived. Fought in many wars and has been proud ever since his daughter was born. Though he has made many enemies which is why he'd do anything to protect the only blood family he has left.

They are elves and live in small town underground with other elves, seeking shelter in tree houses they made by hand. Ever since the war against mortals that has taken many lives, no one goes in or out unless there are need for supplies, not even more than ten people leave.

"When will you come back?", (y/n) asked her father who was gathering small but deadly weapons into an old bag.

"Tomorrow night. We need as much medical supplies as we can. A few children are sick and the only plants that will help are hours from here. You will be in charge of the others and make sure everyone is safe. And it's important for you not to wander off again outside. You nearly had your head off. I'm tempted to bind you with shackles but I won't. I trust you won't risk our people's lives. I'm off", her father placed a hand on her shoulder and gave a nod before heading for his sword and quickly marched out the door.

Sighing, (y/n) stepped close to the window, watching her father meet the other soldier elves. They rode off on horses which has helped on many occasions. (Y/n) has her own horse, white coat and gray mane. He has been her companion since she was just a few feet tall. She can only ride him around when he is feeling stressed but she makes sure he's calm before and after.

"What do you think, Aryon? You must imagine a whole life living in the outside world, don't you?", she asked her horse as she brushed his coat.

There weren't much of them left. Before the war, there were more than 1,000 elves and counting but unfortunately the number has gotten down to less than 100.

"How are you?"

She looked down from her place and noticed Minhyun speaking to old folk below. The only old folk in town. They're thousands and thousands of years old.

Minhyun glanced up and smiled at her but she looked elsewhere. Her father has been planning a wedding for them but she dislikes the idea. Sure he's charming but her heart doesn't beat for him. It doesn't beat for anyone but herself.

(Y/n) was sitting on one of the trunks of the tree house which extends above ground. She does this often whenever she forgets the nice scent of the plants that grow from below, the sound of trees, and the warm feeling of the sun touching her skin.

If her father finds out about this spot, he'll probably move the people elsewhere, no sunshine whatsoever. From afar, she can see fire. She can always see fire. Mortals burning nature as if it's theirs. They care for no one. But they do not cross the Wizard's fence for they shall remain under a spell and not look back to their 'normal' life. But the Wizard cannot touch Elves for he will turn into dust and disappear from existence.

"Why must we live in a world with no peace? Why is there such anger?", she asked herself.

Minutes pass until it was time for her to check on her people, making sure everyone, especially the sick children, are alright. Lights are out of each tree house but the lights on the ground that make up the path guided her way to her treehouse.


She stopped walking and closed her eyes, hoping that voice didn't belong to someone she didn't want to talk to. But as she turned around, there was no choice but to speak to Minhyun as he was now a few steps away from her.

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