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Requested by @anonymous

For the past thirteen years, it's just been (y/n) and Jungkook. Their friendship is not like anyone else's. They met when they were three at daycare and they were fighting over a blue car that caught both of their interests. They were put in time out even though everyone knows time outs have no impact on young children. Jungkook would glance at (y/n) and stick out his tongue but she didn't respond to it. She knew karma would get back at him. They were really smart young kids.

Then two years pass, the time they move on to pre-k which means different schools. (Y/n) was sitting on one of the chairs in the shape of a teddy bear when Jungkook stepped closer to her and offered his favorite fire truck. She held it but didn't look at him.

And then he said, in the most cutest voice, "can we be friends?"

And that's where it all started.

So now they're sixteen years old and closer than ever. They spend almost all hours of the day together and when they're not, they focus on school and part time jobs.

"I'm exhausted", (y/n) sighed as she rested her head on Jungkook's stomach while he stared up at the ceiling from his bed.

"Kids gave you trouble again?", he asked.

"I didn't think babysitting would be so hard. I'm never having kids", she said.

"Never say never, buttercup", he said.

"I'm just gonna leave the 'having kids' part to you. Maybe I can even babysit", she joked.

"That will be years from now. Anyways, are you sleeping over?", he asked.

"Can I? My mom's boyfriend is there and it's still weird. Do you have food?", she asked while looking up at him.

"I can order pizza. It's a good thing it's Friday that way we can stay up all night watching movies", he said.

Jungkook sat up and pushed himself off of the bed, taking out his cellphone from his pocket to dial the number of the pizza shop. Being bored like she always is, she placed her feet on his butt as his back faced her. He was talking on the phone, trying to slap her feet away even though he can literally step away.

After ordering the pizza, he grabbed her feet and pulled her until she was off of the bed. He smirked, jumping over her to climb on the bed.

"That's not nice. And I hit my head", she sat up and rubbed the back of her head.

"Hey, if you mess with me, I'll mess with you", he said.

She rolled her eyes and sat back down on the bed. A familiar beep ringtone came from her phone which was close to dying. She opened the unread message, smile disappearing as she read each word. Jungkook noticed so he sat closer and took a peek at the phone.

"I thought you said you stopped seeing him", he said, taking the phone away from her hands.

"I did...and then he started texting me yesterday. He apologized", she said.

"And now he's saying he can't meet up with you for the date tomorrow. He's blowing you off again (y/n). You have to stop this", he said.

"I know but...I don't know how. I've liked him for years and I got excited when he asked me out", she said.

"Fine", he unlocked her phone and began typing.

"Wait...what are you doing??", she asked, trying to look at her phone.

He leaned back and typed aggressively. She stood on both feet and literally jumped on him to be able to get the phone back but it was too late. He had already sent a very mean message to the guy she's dating. She groaned and threw a pillow at him.

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