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Requested by @Taewithsuga-r

Rafa is the type of girl to focus on the future than the past. She'd rather move on to positivity than reverse back to the negativity. There's one person who's the opposite of her and that is her ex boyfriend. Whenever she goes to work, he's there. Whenever she goes home, he's there. Whenever she hangs out with her best friend, he's there. He's there but only for revenge. She broke up with him because she stopped loving him. He never had time for her. He would always hurt her emotionally.

Her best friend Yoongi, who has a crush on her ever since he met her, stays by her side almost all of the time. Nothing mattered except for her safety.

They walked along the sidewalk, the stars twinkling from above them.

"Yoongi, can I tell you something?", she asked.

"Sure. You can tell me anything", he said.

"I don't want you getting all protective though. I know how you get", she said.

"That, I can't promise you. Now tell me what's going through your mind", he said.

"Do you ever feel like someone's watching you? Because I feel that all the time. Like when I'm alone at my house, I feel like someone's watching me. And at night I don't feel comfortable. I've been having trouble sleeping", she said.

"Since when?", he asked.

"I don't know. For about three weeks now. Do you think you can sleep with me this weekend?", she asked.

"Sleep with you huh?", he smirked, eyebrow raised.

"You know what I mean", she laughed, nudging him.

"Sure. I just have to go to my house to get my stuff", he said.

They stopped in front of two paths that head towards his and her house.

"Are you sure you're okay walking by yourself from here? You can come with me you know and we'll walk back together", he said.

"There's no way I'm gonna face your brother. You know he cut holes into my pants when I was showering? Everyone saw my underwear", she mumbled, blushing as she remembered the embarrassing moment.

"I kicked his ass. But you're right. I still don't feel comfortable with you walking by yourself", he said.

"I'll be fine. Plus it's like five minutes away. Call me as soon as you're on your way Okay?", she smiled and waved before walking away.

He kept his eyes on her until she was out of sight and began walking towards his house.


Rafa had a weird feeling while she walked. She looked back and saw no one. She continued walking and sighed as she arrived home. But once she opened her front door, she was pushed in.

She looked back and noticed her ex boyfriend standing with an evil smirk on his face. Rafa stepped back But was trapped by the wall.

"What the hell do you want?", she asked, not trying to look scared.

"Mm..I want you. I want you to move back in with me. I want you all to myself. And I want you to stop talking to that poor excuse of a guy", he said.

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna get back with you", she said.

Her ex laughed and took out a knife from his pocket. She kept her eyes on it and made sure he didn't get any closer.

"I don't think you have a choice. You're coming with me", he said.

He was about to step forward but he was pushed down onto the ground. Yoongi was holding him and threw the knife away from him. He punched him until he was weak to move. Then the cops arrived and arrested her ex.

"Are you okay (y/n)?", Yoongi asked, running towards her.

"Yeah", she said, hugging him.

The cops took him away. Yoongi made sure to lock the door. He checked on her again to see if she wasn't hurt.

"See I knew I should've walked you home. I always had a strange feeling. I'm not doing my job", Yoongi said.

"You're job is to be my best friend", she said.

"Well....what if I want to be more than that. I want my job to be to protect you even when you're safe. I want to take care of you the way one loves another person. I want to make you happy and feel loved at the same time. I'm proud of being your best friend but I want to be more proud to call you my girlfriend", he said.

"Why are you being mushy all of a sudden?", she smiled.

"Because I want to show you all of my sides. I'm not always as tough as I look", he admitted.

"I know that. I caught you cuddling with my stuffed bear while you were sleeping. I even took a picture", she teased.

"You didn't", he said.

"I did", she smirked.

"You better erase it", he said.

"Mmm...what if I don't?", she asked, smirk getting bigger.

"Then I will be sad and I will cry. You don't wanna see me cry now do you?", he asked, playfully pouting.

"Maybe I do", she giggled.

"You're a mean little girl", he chuckled, wrapping his arms around her.

"I'm not little", she pouted.

"But you are", he stuck his tongue out.

She rolled her eyes which he found cute.

"Gosh, I enjoy looking at this face", Yoongi said, squishing her cheeks.

"If you're gonna kiss me, just kiss me already", she said.

"Mm but I can't kiss you if you're mad", he teased.

"I'm not mad. Are you gonna kiss me or what?", she asked, standing on her tippy toes.

"Should I?", he kept teasing.

"Fine", she said, walking away but he just pulled her back and softly held her cheeks, pulling her in to kiss her.

Her eyes widened. She didn't think it would feel that way. She met her eyes close and wrapped her arms around his neck, deepening the kiss. It lasted for about a minute before he pulled away. Both of them breathing heavily.

"Happy?", he smirked.

"Just kiss me again", she said.

He chuckled and connected their lips again.

I covered my whole apartment in Christmas stuff. I put a reindeer costume on Wizard and he loves it. Except he ripped off the antlers. What am I gonna do with him?😅

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