Jimin (Pt. 2)

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*No Smut but SOON*

After the argument with Jimin, you didn't feel like talking to him...sort of. You've been walking for hours with Jimin watching over you from a few steps behind. Your legs were becoming weak. The hot sun didn't make it any better but luckily there was a spot near the water where you can rest. You didn't hesitate to run into the lake, sighing deeply as you felt the coldness from the water refresh your body.

It was getting dark. Jimin began gathering wood to make a fire. He knew it was a bad idea but being as there are no houses nearby and it gets super cold at night, he's not willing to risk you getting sick. Either way, he was prepared to kill any undead.

When you got out of the lake a few minutes later, Jimin wasn't around. You sat near the fire and warmed yourself up. You kept looking around, squeezing the gun in your hand as you got nervous.

About an hour goes by. Your eyes were starting to close. The fire was almost going out so you had to find more wood. You took a few steps away from the fire, heading towards the direction of the trees. There were plenty there but as you picked one up, you heard growling not too far from you. When you looked up, you met eyes with an undead. You gasped and took out the gun.

Your hands were shaking so much that every time you shot at it, it missed. Then you were out of ammo. You ran towards the bag all while it went after you.

Panic. Fear. DEATH.

Those words kept repeating over and over. You struggled to put in the ammo in the gun. It grabbed you, causing the gun to fly off of your hands. You couldn't let it bite you. There was a rock not too far from you. Grabbing it, you hit it on the head which gave you enough time to grab the gun and shoot it in the head. As soon as it stopped moving, you let out the breath you were holding and moved away from, going back to sit in front of the fire. You were shaking but not from how cold it was. You ended up falling asleep minutes later.

Two hours later, Jimin returned. He noticed your head was dug onto your knees, sleeping. When he placed his hand on your shoulder, you got startled and pointed the gun at him but as soon as you realized it was Jimin, you put it away.

"What the hell?! Where did you go?! How can you just leave me alone here?! You didn't even say you were going anywhere! How can you be so selfish and just leave?! Were you just thinking about yourself?! You were gonna leave, weren't you?! Then go ahead and leave! I don't need you!", you yelled, frustrated and tired.

You stood up and sat down on the other side of the fire. Jimin wondered why you were acting that way. Then the body a few feet away answered what he was thinking. He sighed and went over to sit down next to you, handing you a piece of bread.

"That's the only thing I could find. It had plastic wrap around it so it's safe to eat. I couldn't find any clean water though. You can eat the whole piece. I'm not really hungry anyways", he said.

Your eyes were on the bread, noticing how it was still warm.

"I'm sorry I left you alone. I didn't mean for you to worry. I just wanted you to get some food. I wish I found more but...there's nothing", he said.

You looked down at your legs, embarrassed from lashing out at him.

"(Y/n), listen. I would never leave you for selfish reasons. I meant what I said about protecting you. I would risk my own life just to keep you safe. I will do anything to keep you alive. This bread will give you some energy. I promise I will find more food on the way to the safe house. But you have got to stop thinking and saying that I don't care about you. What do I have to do to prove it to you? Take a bullet for you? I'll do that. I will do whatever to prove it to you", he said.

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