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I just finished watching TAU on Netflix and decided to write something. This will include a little bit of *smut* (like less than 10%) and a bit of a heads up, I have no clue what I just wrote😅

(Y/n) has just gotten back from work, exhausted from getting tips from customers. Although not disappointed. She landed on her bed and stretched, yawning before resting her head on the pillow.

It was a long day of work and she's glad it's over. But she has to go back tomorrow. She suggested to go to work as much as she can so she can gain money and save it up for a new apartment. Hers is small and worn out but it works for her. No one bothers her and that's the way she likes it.

(Y/n) tried falling asleep, listening to the cars passing by and people arguing. Usually that helps. She'll fall asleep to any sound. Her eyes were closing, slowly falling into deep sleep. That's when she felt something going into her neck and blacked out.

When she woke up, she was in a cell with three other people. She tried to scream but a mask prevented her from doing so. Her hands were tied but her feet were free so she could walk around. The others were terrified and did not move, mostly because they've been there longer than her so they know what happens.

She was about to touch the cell door but the others warned her by shaking their heads. She didn't listen and from that she got electrocuted, falling back onto her butt while she felt the pain on her hands. One of the girls, who looked about 18, helped her up and away from the cell door, pointing at a sign that warns everyone about it.

(Y/n) felt suffocated with the mask. She tried to take it off but it didn't seem to budge. The cell didn't have any windows or openings that'll help her figure out where she is. It's plain dark. Only the dim light from the ceiling slightly helped.

Seconds later, she heard a loud beeping sound and a door opening outside of the cell. A bald man wearing surgical mask came in and turned off the switch that connected to the cell. He opened it and grabbed (y/n) by the arm but she kicked him on the groin. She pushed him down and told everyone to follow her out which they did. She didn't know where she was going but it's better than staying in that cell to rot.

An alarm had been triggered and the sound disturbed her ears. It made her head hurt. She can hear footsteps coming from behind them so she continued to run. There was a door that looked like the exit but wasn't sure. It was locked. The people behind her were being punched and kicked by a few guards and she tried avoiding the one that is headed towards her. She grabbed a vase and slammed it on his head, knocking him down unconscious.

She had to find some other way to get out. There's another door that lead towards some tidy office. Only books and an empty desk. A guard came in and grabbed a handful of her hair, pulling her back. This guard is way stronger than the others and way taller. He pushed her out into the lobby and she froze as she saw a man in a business suit, smirking at the person in front of him. He took steps forward and placed his hand under her chin, observing her.

"You're quite troublesome. She'll do. Get rid of the others and take her into my office", the man ordered his guards.

The one holding (y/n) pushed her into the office and tied her hands onto a nearby pole. She tried kicking him away but she stopped once the man came in while reading a file.

"That'll be all", he said, dismissing the guard.

The guard nodded and stepped out of the office,leaving the both of them alone. The man paced back and forth, looking at the file while (y/n) kept a close eye on him, making sure he doesn't do anything.

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