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HELLO. It's been a hot minute. Luckily this will me a *SMUT* so hope this makes up for the wait!

The first day of college can make people's anxiety go out of hand because they don't know what to expect. Depending on the hours they have in a class, the only schedule they have that day is introductions and conversations about the syllabus. But after the first day, people start complaining.

Monday's, Tuesday's, and Thursday's is when you have English literature which you were very excited for. You sat down on the third row, watching others sit down anywhere, mostly in the back. You don't know why people do that. The back is usually what the professors look at so no one can hide.


Three minutes until class started. The professor arrived with a guy who is dressed as if he were rich. Maybe he was.

The professor was talking to him about what they were doing today, you guessed since he kept pointing at the syllabus. The young man looked very familiar but you can't seem to get your finger on it.

"Good afternoon class. Welcome to English Literature. My name is Professor Lee. I'm an easy-going professor but still expect every single one of you to get something from this class", he said.

"Of course. What every professor says", you thought.

"I'd like you guys to meet my TA, Jung Hoseok. He was in my class last year and offered to lend a hand this year which I couldn't say no to. If any of you need help with the assignments or just have a simple question, feel free to ask him or me", he said.

"Jung Hoseok...shit..", you thought as your eyes widened.

His eyes scanned the room, softly smirking as he met yours. You looked down at your lap with flushed cheeks and hoped he would stop looking.

Memories of you and him secretly meeting behind the library popped up. Even though it was two years ago, it was clear as day.

During the whole hour and a half, you felt his eyes on you. You tried so hard to focus on what the professor was saying but his intense stare made you sweat and your legs press together.

Your phone vibrated in your purse. Thinking it was your mom to remind you to stop by the grocery store to buy food for yourself, you took it out and read the text message from an unknown number.

'Struggling there?'

You raised an eyebrow and wondered who it was. Then you thought, slowly looking up at him to realize he was already staring, no surprise there.

'It can't be. I blocked him', you thought.

'Leave me alone', you replied back and put your phone away.

You let out a breath and focused on the professor.

"That'll be all for today. I know it takes a while to get the book so no pressure. We'll continue tomorrow", the professor smiled and excused the class.

While putting your things away, a few girls walked up to Hoseok and asked questions about the syllabus but you know by the way they swayed their hips and twirled their hair that they're only doing it to flirt. It wasn't like that before. Back then, Hoseok had glasses and dressed differently than others but he was really sweet, which is why you fell for him. But after he graduated from high school, he never contacted you again.

You stood up from your seat and walked out of the class with Hoseok staring at your back.


"Oh come on, one night out isn't gonna kill you. We might even get you laid. You need it by the way since you're always so tense."

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