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Requested by @yoongiismysquishy

Warning: SMUT

You kept your eyes on one of the most popular guys out there. He was talking to a group of his friends. Of course, he never notices you when you're out in public but when you're in hiding, he makes you feel so wonderful.

He took a quick glance at you and excused himself from his friends to walk into an empty room. You waited at least thirty seconds before heading into the same room. Once you entered, the door closed and you can hear him lock it.

He pushed you against the door and began to kiss you. It was full of hunger and lust. You couldn't help but roll your eyes back. His hands went behind your legs and pulled you up, carrying you. You sighed heavily as his lips went down to your neck, lightly sucking and pecking at the sensitive skin. You tilted your head to give him more access.

He pulled away to quickly take of his shirt with you admiring his toned body. You can never be disappointed. Your hands were in his chest, caressing his warm skin. He grabbed your wrists and lowered them until they were in his pants, feeling his already hard member that was begging for your touch.

He placed you on a desk and took off your shirt, instantly kissing your chest. Light moans escaped your mouth, encouraging him to keep going. His hands tangled themselves into your hair, pulling you in for a kiss.

Both of you took off what was left and continued kissing. One of his hands grabbed your thigh and lightly squeezed, causing you to gasp. He took that chance to push his tongue into your mouth. You bit down onto his bottom lip, him groaning after.

He couldn't wait any longer so he pumped himself a few times. Usually you get embarrassed and look away but this time you were drawn into it. He noticed and chuckled. He grabbed your hand and placed it on his member, guiding you to pump him. His soft groans in your ear caused a moan to crawl up your throat and escape from your lips.

You pumped him harder, wanting to do something more but he moved your hand away and positioned himself in front of your entrance. You held onto him as he slid himself in, hearing him hiss. He slowly thrusted, looking into your eyes as he did so. He didn't let you kiss nor touch him. Your hands were behind on your sides, behind held by his hands. Every time you had an urge to touch him, your hand would move but he would just grip tighter.

You can feel your stomach tighten. He noticed so his speed increased. You tried not to make any loud noises so he kissed you, muting  your moans until both of you climaxed. He pulled out of you and began putting on his clothes.

"Namjoon, when are we gonna tell people? I hate hiding it from everyone", you said, putting on your clothes.

"We're not. Remember what we talked about? I don't want anyone to know", he said.

"Why not?", you asked.

He didn't say anything as he put on his shoes.

"Is it because I'm not popular enough? You think people will laugh at you? Are you embarrassed to be seen with me? Is that it?", you asked.

"It's not that-"

"Well it sure seems like it. How long have we been doing this? Almost three months. I want people to know that we like each other. I want to be able to hold your hand in public. I want you to notice me. I want everyone to know that we're in a relationship. Do you know how hard it is for me to see other girls flirt with you??", you said, tears forming in your eyes.

"That doesn't matter. I don't like them. I like you", he said, turning to see you.

"But not enough. Maybe we should just stop this", you mumbled.

"What? No", he said.

He wanted to hug you but you pushed his hands away.

"I want to be in a relationship that doesn't consider keeping it a secret. If you don't wanna do that then I guess this is over",you tried not to cry but seeing him made you feel worse.

You unlocked the door and left, not looking back. You were so close to the exit but your arm was pulled. Namjoon was now standing in front of you, hands touching your arms. Everyone was staring, whispering to one another.

"What are you doing??", you said, pushing his hands away.

He didn't say anything. Instead he placed his hands on your cheeks and kissed you. Your eyes widened. You never thought he'd ever do this in front of a crowd. People around us gasped and made comments. When he pulled away, he kept a close distance. He looked at you for a few seconds before intertwining your hands together.

"I want everyone to listen. This is (y/n). She's my girlfriend. So from now on I don't want other girls flirting with me and I don't want any of you bullying her. Got that?", Namjoon said as he looked at everyone.

He then turned back to you and smiled.

"Lets go", he said, pulling you forward.

As you walked along the sidewalk, you glanced over at him, wondering why he would do that.

"People aren't gonna look up to you anymore", you said.

"So? I'd rather have you. I'm sorry for acting that way. I know it wasn't fair to you. And I'm not embarrassed of you. I just never had a relationship that was public. But now that we are out in the open together, what do you say to dinner?", he asked.

"Dinner? That's a first", you chuckled.

"I know. Again, I'm sorry. I'll make sure this feels like a relationship instead of 'friends with benefits'. I'll make it up to you", he smiled.

"Okay..But do you think we could still do what we were doing behind doors?", you asked.

"Without a doubt", he smirked, kissing your cheek before continuing to walk.

Spending the holidays at my boyfriends house. Gonna stay for a few weeks and then head back home. Hopefully you guys enjoy the holidays with the people you love. Make memories!❤️

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