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"I can explain everything but I assure you she is not dead," Lotor stated sternly as he rubbed his wrists. A which claimed to be his mother. Claims lies that she is proud of his success. Lies he will not be made a fool of believing. Ezor and zethrid where shocked by Lotor and Acxa still working together as it has been secret all along as he worked as well with the Paladins but after the black paladin was corrupted and Romelle confronted him. It was time to move on.

But Hagar... learning that witch was his mother. Knowing that the Paladins, Allura, would never accept him again for Romelle telling them everything. He was grateful she does not know truly everything.

"So now what?" Ezor asked confused.

"If Your with me we need to get to the Sincline ships and leave now," Lotor looked at them sternly.

"I'm with you sir," Acxa smiled up at him nodding.

"Well... I'm not," Ezor made a face as she didn't know what to believe.

"I think I'm going to be with Ezor on this one," zethrid rubbed the back of her neck.

"What?" Acxas eyes widen.

"Very well," Lotor nodded walking past them but Acxa grabbed his arm to stop him.

"Wait, we mustn't split up, not with voltron out there, not with everything," she looked at them all worried.

"No, we must," Lotor said in a low tone with narrow eyes.


"The Paladins know dark thinks of my resources for this empire, I will hold them off but I will not return," Lotor told them all strongly as the women where bewildered.

"Why? Where are you going to go?" Ezor asked frantically.

"I cannot say, for all you may know is I am dead... yes, I am dead so you must spread the word," Lotor smiled a little at the idea and nodded.

"Your crazy," zethrid scoffed.

"I may be mad but it doesn't mean I've lost my intelligence," Lotor tapped the side of his head smirking as he walked out.

He felt something rub against his leg and looked down seeing an old friend. Kova.

"Kova, how are you still alive?" Lotor smiled picking up the cat as it purred and climbed onto his shoulders happily. He grabbed a device from his boot as it was a purple small communicator.

"Raik, come in," Lotor spoke into it as he walk to his ship, the sincline.

"Lotor? Your still alive?" A deep voice answered impressed.

"I am, and I'm afraid we must meet again, and bring the others, I'm bringing us to a haven land, meet me at the coordinates I am sending you," Lotor got into his ship as he powered it on and pulled up a screen.

"Is everything alright?"

"No, I will explain face to face, at the moment I don't trust many, you for all I know is all I can trust," Lotor pursed his lips as he powered on the other two ships as they where autopiloted to follow him.

"I'll get there as soon as I can,"

Lotor narrowed his eyes inhaling softly closing his eyes. Taking a moment to breathe. To gather his thoughts. But he didn't have a full minute to figure it all out... Lotors eyes snapped back open as he launched his ship and the two followed behind him into space before anyone could stop him.

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