New fears

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Isamu woke up with a small gasp as he snapped his eyes open. He sat up as he saw Lotor sleeping soundlessly and blushed dark blue.

He groaned rubbing his face and couldn't help but look at Lotors relaxed facial features, his head to the side as his jaw and neck where exposed with his lips slightly parted as he breathed.

There's been plenty of women that drool themselves over Isamu himself, he denies a relationship with all of them, kiss and never tell for some for nothing more than revenge or just for fun, but it hasn't always been women. Isamu felt more heated with men, he loved the way they tried to feel more powerful but Isamu always powered over them, it was a challenge. But he also loved how girls rely on him to do the work, not for treat them like glass but it just never felt as great as being with a man.

And Lotor was defiantly a man to him.

Isamu knew he couldn't, especially with this one. Lotor was their leader, he was something else to Isamu, he was what made his heart skip beats when they argued and fight, how Lotor isn't afraid of him nor let's Isamu walk all over him.

But the altean couldn't have a relationship, he didn't know if he could as a person in general, he really liked being around Lotor but what if it didn't last forever, what if they aren't friends anymore, or what if Lotor never came back.

Isamu feared being in pain like that again, so never know if someone he deeply cared for would ever come back. He feared to love again.

But Lotor made him feel so different, cocky and confident but he really wanted his approval still, to help, to be there...

And Lotor stayed the whole time... not knowing if hed wake up.

"I hate you," Isamu groaned standing up but stumbled to his knees taking soft pants as he got back up.

"Stop it, come on isa," he grunted to himself as went to the bathroom.

Isamu turned on the water in the tub as he felt filthy not knowing what happened to his body for weeks, all he knew was he was kept fed and with company. Sighing as he dumped some oils in it and bubbles as well. Grabbed candles to light along the ledge of his tub.

"Me time how I missed you," Isamu smiled proudly as he stripped from his tank top and trousers to get in the tub next.

He sighed relieved in the warm water as he reached over to turn the water off and played with some bubbles with his toes. Isamu rested his arms on the sides as he looked around calmly as this felt exactly what he needed. He looked across his arms and chest with the scars that where scattered along his body and hid them as best he could.

Isamu gulped leaning his head back closing his eyes.

The vision of honerva attacking him with full energy of lightning and her eyes glowing viciously played in his mind. Making Isamu open his eyes again, sitting up a little holding his forehead.

"Bloody hell..." he breathed shaking his head. It hasn't even been a day since he woke up from his supposed coma and he already is trying to get back to his normal self. Maybe he should've taken it easy.

"To late now, I'm already here," Isamu sighed laying back again in the warm water as he relaxed with his head back and closed his eyes.

A spark a yellow eyes flashed across his mind and isamu's heart skipped a fearful beat as he opened his eyes again. He went to sit up once more to throw in the towel of trying to take a bath but noticed his limps not moving with him.

He inhaled deeply trying to move but grunted at the fail, noticing he couldn't speak either. Like when he woke up from the coma...

Isamu gulped as he whimpered knowing Lotor was only a room away but he couldn't make any sound to call for help. He watched his arm in horror as it slipped down into the water as he slowly sank down.

He whimpered when the water reached his chin as he couldn't even move his head up to breathe in more air before his body weight took him into the water and submerged, taking one more breath.


Lotor pealed his eyes open feeling no weight in his lap. He yawned softly and sat straighter to stretch his arms but looked around for Isamu.

"Isamu?" He stood up seeing no one in the kitchen. Lotor walked to his room as it was also empty.

"Isamu? Are you home?" Lotor called raising an eye brow as he opened the bathroom cautiously but saw the tub filled but seemed as no one was in the bathroom.

Lotor frowned confused seeing his clothes and a full tub but Isamu was no where to be seen, until he saw some air bubbles floating to the top of the water in the tub. Lotors eyes widen.

He ran to the tub and not cared for if he got wet but only to reach in and felt isamu's body. Lotor yanked up Isamu to the surface as the altean hacked for a breath of air on the ground while Lotor grabbed the cape around his waist to pull over the altean.

"What happened?!" Lotor accidentally raised his voice in the panic as Isamu coughed up some more water.

"Just breathe, I'm here," Lotor pursed his lips as Isamu choked and coughed on the water with some tears escaping at the corner of his eyes.

"I couldn't move!" Isamu cried out covering his mouth.

"What?" Lotor rubbed his bare back gently.

"I could not quiznecking move! I-I was paralyzed!" Isamu gasped as he inhaled the air deeply. Lotor pulled him up and close to his chest as Isamu whimpered clinging onto his shirt tightly not caring if he was naked, he was drowning in his own bathtub, he was helpless.

"I got you Isamu, just breathe," Lotor whispered into his wet hair as he felt isamu's trembling or maybe shivering body. He lifted the altean with ease as he scooped under isamu's knees and around his back as his cape covered the altean best it could but he didn't look.

He brought Isamu to his bedroom and grabbed a larger blanket as it was fluffy as well and wrapped it around his shoulders as Isamu sat on the bed.

"So no more baths I guess..." Isamu laughed quietly but pursed his lips.

"Do you know what caused this?" Lotor asked quietly as he knelt in front of the lad.

"No, it happened when I woke from my coma... but not from when you came back," Isamu gulped clutching onto the blanket tighter.

"I won't go anywhere, I promise," Lotor touched under his altean markings to sooth him softly and Isamu calmed down nodding.

"Thank you..." he whispered. "I don't know what I'd do without you," he smiled sheepishly at the emperor.

"I wouldn't dream of that reality," Lotor chuckled standing up and left Isamu in his room to change into clothes rather than a blanket. Isamu blushed softly looking at the closed door and looked away.

"What am I doing?"

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