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Lotor looked up as he heard the door slide open as he sat in the familiar cell he was once held in before many years ago. He didn't feel panicked when he saw Isamu being lead to him with ship holding his arm and Isamu hands where still cuffed together. Allura and Keith walked in front of them.

"What's wrong?" Lotor stood up walking to the edge of his cell.

"Isamu spilt enough, he wants to talk to you," shiro said simply and let go of the altean, Isamu rolled his eyes and stepped in front of everyone as he stood in front of his love. It felt odd with glass being the only thing that separated them.

"How are you feeling?" Lotor asked gently.

"Head aches getting worst, Lotor I fear my vision isn't a vision, more of a warning," Isamu told him pursing his lips.

"No, there has to be something to prevent any one being enslaved," Lotor made a face.

"Raik must hurry then, it'll risk less to be taken when it comes," Isamu ran his hand through his navy hair.

"What are you talking about?" Keith frowned.

They ignored him.

"We knew our risks, we do what we need when the time comes," Lotor sighed and Isamu nodded determined.

"If the galra come-" "I will take care of those negotiations, I do not want you to do what you will, I know you Isamu," Lotor cut him off with a small smile looking down at him. Isamu shook his head.

"Lotor it's both or none of us, leaving you to face the empire is not an option, your family needs you," Isamu pursed his lips.

"If it comes to negotiation, let me, I don't have as many people im risking," he smiled softly up at Lotor but the hybrid had fear in his eyes. He knew it would come to negotiation, they both knew it'll come.

"Isa I can't," Lotor whispered.

"I know, when it comes down to it love I know you'll come for me, I don't doubt you," Isamu whispered for only Lotor to hear. The others didn't need to know their only weakness was each other, their only fears were to loose the one they face now.

"Isa..." Lotor breathed.

"Promise me," the altean gulped.

"I promise I'll always come for you," Lotor nodded closing his eyes. Isamu smirked softly at him trying to reassure his love but Lotor seemed worried for anything to happen now.

"The galra will be coming soon," Lotor told the paladins tearing his eyes away from his lover.

"What?" Alluras eyes widen.

"Isamu has a vision for the galra to come and take the alteans, we must prepare for defense," Lotor said and nodded at Isamu. The altean Druid touched the glass Lotor stood behind and Lotor walked through it to stand by his side surprising the three. Perks of having a magical fiancé.

"How would you even know that?" Shiro looked at Isamu.

"Master of the mind," Isamu winked.

"But the longer you hold us, more of a chance for the galra to come, we made sure the colony was impossible to find but with a ship as large as yours the galra would be tracking it basically," he explained as he could feel the comforting warmth of lotors body next to him.

"That's why you were saying you'd give yourself up if it comes to negotiation," Keith blinked as he looked at the two.

"They'll want either the traitorous prince or the treason of a Druid, honerva sees me more of a threat due to my power more enhanced than hers," Isamu clicked his tongue annoyed as he held his own hand with the cuffs still technically restraining him. He twisted his wrist and a spark of black lightning made them snap off and drop on the ground with ease.

Isamu winced as his head started to increase the pain as he held it a little making Lotor send him a concerned look.

"So," Isamu looked up with one eye closed trying to ignore the pain. "Shall we get started?"

"Hate to say it but Isamu is right," Keith sighed crossing his arms.

"If the galra are coming we gotta have something planned, what about your sincline or that weapon?" He looked at them quirking a brow.

"Isamu is that weapon, if it comes to again honerva he is the only one that matches her power," Lotor motioned to him and Isamu smiled brightly.

"So what do we do?" Allura asked closing her eyes with a groan.

"Well we need a diversion-" Isamu was cut off by a blinding pain in his brain as he fell to his knees holding his head.

Bodies scattered across the ground as Isamu sat on the cold ground holding his lovers head in his lap as Lotor laid unconscious but his life was at risk.

Tears ran down his face as he pressed his forehead to lotors as he tried not to sob but it tore from his throat hearing soft foot steps come his way.

"Please, leave us be," Isamu whispered slowly looking up at honerva, her face had grief seeing her son at his possible death bed as Isamu held him close.

"I'm sorry, but it's what I will do, Lotor has made his choice," she spat down at them.

"Spare his life," Isamu sneered as more tears dropped down his cheeks.

"Even if it's to give up my own," he whispered staring into her eyes with hate and fierce determining protection.

"Isamu!" Lotor was at his side as Isamu held his head with whimpers escaping his throat against his will.

"No, don't, anything honerva this isn't-" Isamu was cut off by a sharp electric snap at his shoulders.

"You gave your life to me," she hissed in his ear. "I do as I please,"

Isamu growled shaking his head as he saw the body of zarkons corpse laying on a table under a sheet.

"No!" Isamu pushed Lotor away sharply as his blue eyes where wide with fear and his hands were in fists full of lightning.

"Isa it's me," Lotor told him softly holding out his hand. "It's only me my love," he smiled comfortingly.

Allura watched with wide eyes seeing Isamu take his hand and Lotor helped him up and held Isamu tightly to his chest as the altean let out a soft sob leaning against him, into his chest.

"What happened?" Shiro asked bewildered at them.

"The empire," Isamu sniffled looking at them as he stayed in lotors arms. "They're going to kill us all,"

"I thought we kinda knew that," Keith made a face.

"You arrogant fool! Your dead, don't you get it! They're going to slaughter us all!" Isamu practically screamed ripping himself from lotors arms but the galra grabbed him back.

"I saw your god damn body barely able to keep its life! I don't know what'll happen to you Lotor! But you could die!" Isamu cried back at him.

"Isa I won't leave you alone," Lotor told him calmly.

"You can't control that you idiot! I'd give my life for you, I did," Isamu growled as a fear was in his  eyes.

"Honerva wants to revive your father," he hissed and Lotor froze.

"I killed the bastard," Lotor narrowed his eyes.

"With honerva and i's power, my life source, I-I.." Isamu gripped the side of his head as his breath was quick and trembling. Lotor gently touched his arm making Isamu look at him.

"I'm here now my love," Lotor whispered and Isamu closed his eyes as tears ran down his face. He saw lotors dead body, he was only useful to honerva for his life to be given up to his lovers abuser, the universes nightmare.

It was only a matter of time.

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