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Lotor woke up with the sun in his eyes from a window as it shined on him and a warm weight in his arms. He looked down seeing Isamu sleeping with his fingers tangled with Lotors as his breathing was soft.

Lotor smiled kindly seeing the man in his arm. He loved the way they where, it was charming, devious, and unpredictable with Isamu. Was he really falling in love? He said it before but he thinks it's really true. The way the sun hits Isamu, his hair looked like it was glowing with gold by the sun as his skin was kissed gorgeously by the light as well.

He sighed not wanting to get up as he kissed isamu's next smiling. No reaction as the altean slept.

"Isamu.." Lotor hummed as Isamu groaned rolling over to his back as Lotor traced the outline of his jaw smiling but never opened his eyes. They where silent for a while as Isamu was back to sleeping heavily in his arms. Lotor watched his new lover sleep soundlessly against him, leaning down to kiss his forehead softly and got out of the bed grabbing a pair of pants.

Lotor walked to the kitchen putting his long hair in a low messy bun as he grabbed two mugs from the covert as he grabbed the tea kettle for him and Isamu.

Isamu slept in the warm bed happily, but suddenly he snapped his eyes open gasping softly and his limbs refused to move. He grunted trying to close his fists but he couldn't even make his finger twitch.

He whimpered as loud as he could trying to get anyone to notice or to help him, but he couldn't move his jaw even to cry for help, he was stuck. Isamu inhaled deeply as he made sure to stay calm and focus on getting his body to cooperate, just breathe.

Suddenly his whole body jolted as he sat up gasping at the reflex and held onto the bundled up blanket around him gasping for air. Isamu panted as he relaxed shaking his head but heard his tea pot whistling in the distance.

He blinked but rubbed his face grabbing his large shirt from the night before and walked slowly to the sound curiously as his shirt slipped off his shoulder.

"Good morning," Lotor smiled seeing him and Isamu smiled back seeing he was still here.

"Morning, making some tea?" Isamu beamed brightly walking to him as he wrapped his arms around Lotors waist from behind while Lotor poured tea into the mugs.

"Caffeinated, I think I could try some today," Lotor turned to him handing Isamu his mug. Isamu giggled sitting on the counter like usual and they clinked their mugs together before drinking.

"You did pretty good for making tea," Isamu hummed in delight.

"I'm glad you enjoy it, I'm not much of a tea person," Lotor chuckled into his mug before sipping it.

"Trust me I use to hate tea, you grown to love it," Isamu smiled as Lotor leaned against the counter next to him as they looked at each other.

"So last night..." Isamu quirked his eye brow smiling.

"No regrets," Lotor told him seriously as Isamu was relieved.

"I mean everything I said too," Isamu said pulling Lotor close as he traced over his collar bone.

"I love you," He breathed setting his mug down as Lotor smiled up at him.

"I have something to show you," Lotor helped him down seeing his mug next to isamu's as they walked to the living room. He pulled out a box from under the table next to the couch and handed it to Isamu.

"I think I've loved you for a long time, and I didn't even know yet," he smiled gently as they shared the couch together. Isamu opened the box and saw letters.

"I wrote every day, sometimes more than once, telling you everything that was going on, or if I left for a while to make sure you knew that you haven't been alone, I never could figure out why I did it," Lotor explained as Isamu picked up a letter smiling a little.

"I don't even know what to say," Isamu laughed softly as he read some but set it down and put the box on the table.

"Thank you," Isamu pulled him in for a hug as Lotor held him tightly.

"No one has ever cared about like you have, thank you so much," he whispered into his neck and Lotor closed his eyes holding onto him.

"No ones ever loved me back," Lotor smiled kissing the side of his head.

Isamu looked up at him softly and kissed his nose smiling.

"Lets just take the day off, no council, no traveling, no colony, just us," Isamu hummed interested as Lotor pulled him onto his lap as Isamu giggled holding his face.

"I think we can try at least, not sure until someone knocks on the door," Lotor chuckled as Isamu kissed his forehead to his nose, to his cheeks as Lotor kissed back holding his hands to his face.

"I love you too," Lotor breathed.

Isamu giggled as they laid on the couch together as Lotor traced outlines on isamu's back, he knew there was scars, last night they stopped and where memorized by the scars, the stories, no shame.

There was a scar of a whip lash that ran down isamu's back, with cuts or stabbing. Or Isamu touching gently Lotors scar on his bicep, a branding of the empire. The scars were in the past, memories of what happened, and a motivation to do better, to be better.

Isamu looked up into Lotors midnight eyes as they just stared for a moment. Lotor touching under isamu's markings, his thumb rubbing it softly as Isamu melted in his arms.

"Lotor where have you been?! Lycus found out that one knife in the ceiling game and won't leave Freja alone about it!" Raik stormed in and Isamu cried out surprised grabbing a blanket as he covered them both of their half covered bodies.

"Raik!" Lotor yelled as Isamu buried his face in his chest laughing.

"You two are ridiculous," raiks ears went down unamused as Lotor glared back.

"Hey man," Isamu turned waving at him smiling.

"That dagger you gave the four year old, yea, he's learning new things such as throwing it in the air, seeing if it stabs the ceiling, and leaving it there... he learned how to do it with the knifes in the kitchen," Raik crossed his arms looking at them flatly.

"Oh my bad," Isamu smiled pointing at the ceiling with multiple stab holes.

"Yea he wanted a new game, wrong but right person to come too, 10,000 years of free time come great games," he hummed as the brothers looked at him almost impressed yet disappointed .

"Alright I'll go tell him to stop," lotor waved off his older brother and Raik nodding but made a face at them. The permanent image of his topless brother and pantless friend under the same blanket now stuck in his brain. Wonderful.

With that Raik left quickly as the couple looked at each other and burst out into fits of laughter.

"Its a fun game," Isamu smirked up at him as he pushed Lotor down and sat on top of him.

"Teach me when Lycus isn't interested," Lotor smiled up at him as he held isamu's hips.

"Or when Raik forgets about it," he giggled leaning down, kissing him softly.

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