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Lotor walked to a small house in the altean forest with green and glowing blue leafs as there was a board leaning against it and a horse  eating from a bucket and made a sound seeing Lotor.

He walked onto the porch and knocked on the medal door. A few moments passed and soon Isamu opened it curiously but his face fell seeing the prince.

"Oh no," he waved his hands sarcastically.

"Isamu," Lotor nodded.

"Your emperorness," Isamu crossed his arms.

"May I come in? I'd like to talk," Lotor pursed his lips and Isamu raised an eye brow but sighed opening the door as he walked away.

"Don't touch anything, and if it has eyes just don't look at it," he called over his shoulder going to the kitchen as Lotors eyes widen disturbed but looked around the small home. There was shelves as well as Knick knacks on them, some where jaws of items or of liquids.

He turned his head and silently widened his eyes frowning seeing a disfigured creature in a jaw as it made a small screech at him clawing at the jaw.

"I said don't look at things alive," Isamu turned Lotors head as he grabbed his cheeks with one hand with a serious expression.

"Your a collector?" Lotor coughed into his hand awkwardly pulling his face back.

"No, it's just some pests I'm trying to figure out how to kill," he shrugged grabbing a cup off the table as he sipped it curious of what it could be and hummed as he kept drinking it.

"So you wanted to talk?" Isamu sat on a chair. "Sit,"

Lotor sat on the couch behind him as he nodded.

"Yes, I wanted to apologize for my behavior, I was rash," Lotor said calmly looking at him.

"Yea, why? What's up with me being a paladin?" Isamu asked leaning back in the chair as he crossed his legs.

"I was previously working with the Paladins of Voltron, an alliance to unite the galra with them while I was emperor after zarkons fall," Lotor sighed explaining.

"A paladin looks... exactly like you, and I believe he is your doppelgänger, unless of course your a clone," Lotor smirked a little as Isamu sat up.

"She lived," Isamu smiled a little.

"Pardon?" Lotor asked confused.

"My sister, my older sister escaped with my mother before I was born when the war broke out and she ran when my mother and I were captured centuries ago by the galra, I guess she lived and made it to a safe planet, kept our bloodline going," Isamu nodded as he sipped the drink again.

"You as well believe the paladin holds altean blood in his veins?" Lotor asked.

"It's happened before, my mother was a doppelgänger of my triple great grandmother, sometimes it just takes a while longer," isamu nodded smiling at him.

"Yes well.. the Paladins and I are not on good terms anymore, if I must say... they hurt me, I was hurt again like my father did, to be hated for a misunderstanding and taking no time for a second chance because of being galra, or for my father... being altean," Lotor looked down as Isamu softened a little as he was more concerned.

"So seeing you thinking the come for me, I was afraid not for my life but for my family to be torn apart," he nodded taking a deep breath as Isamu set the drink down.

"I understand, all is forgiven," Isamu nodded as well as he leaned forward smiling comfortingly.

"Welcome to the altean colony's, thanks for sticking around, these guys need someone like you," he stood up holding the cup as he put it in the sink.

"Of course," Lotor stood up as well nodding as he peaked over at Isamu.

"There's going to be a gathering tonight, your welcome to join," he looked at the altean curiously as his hands were being his back.

"Really? Sure, I don't really get word on these kinds of things," Isamu gave a small smile.

"Your in the middle of the woods, what do you expect?" Lotor chuckled.

"Yea, How'd you find me anyways?" He smirked sitting on the counter crossing his ankles.

"My sister Freja, she is surprisingly good at anything to tracking," Lotor explained simply and Isamu thought for a moment.

"She followed me home didn't she?"

"Most likely,"

They stood there in silence as it was a little awkward while Lotor pursed his lips.

"Alright. Bye," Isamu waves jumping down as he went into a hallway and into his room with the door closing. Lotor blink at the boy as he was confused and... intimidated by his confidence? It was odd to be intimidated by someone that small because it wasn't fear.

Lotor laughed quietly to himself shaking his head as he let himself out to head back home.

It was odd as well to calling the colony home, this remote planet home, having a family, it was all odd, his life... was finally getting what he wanted. Acceptance.

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