All to much

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Lotor looked down at the ring in the box as he stood in the cell. He looked at the ring and frowned knowing where he was. He wasn't back home where he should be, no he was a damn prisoner again of voltron. He was suppose to be stressing about what to say when he proposes to the love of his life on their anniversary today, and when the time comes he'd know what to say.

He heard footsteps behind him and shut the box as he hid it in his pocket turning to see the Paladins storming towards him.

"We have answers and your going to question them," lance stepped up but Keith pulled him back as Lotor looked at him darkly.

"I know what I said, shit.." Lance whined knowing he messed up.

"Same as always Paladins, childish as two deca phoebes ago," Lotor sighed annoyed. How did he get captured by them?

"How are you alive?" Allura growled.

"I never died," Lotor sighed.

"Acxa said-" "I told my generals to spread the news saying I'm dead, it's what you do when you want no one to find you," Lotor cut Keith off sharply with a glare.

"What to run away with your altean colony? To use my people as batteries for something ridiculous for the galra empire!?" Allura raised her voice.

"They are my people and I had my reasons, you never asked for an explanation either so why should I bother now?" Lotor sneered down at her with clenched fists.

"Because your alive!" Allura yelled back.

"And now you know that so will the galra! The rebellion! You all will try to find my people and who knows what'll happen to alteans!?" Lotor roared making everyone jump.

"I swear on my ancestors I will kill you, take me to the colony or they will never see their pathetic, cruel, leader again," Allura hit the glass of the cell sneering at him.

"Your bluffing Allura darling, did I really break your heart that you would kill me?" Lotor cooed at her smirking slyly at her. She was so easy to frustrate.

"You killed alteans!" She screamed.

"I never shed my peoples blood," Lotor replied calmly.

"That's a lie! We found them, they were all dead!" Allura cried out with tears in her eyes.

"That's because I wasn't there to keep them a secret from the galra because your black paladin turned on you and took me hostage and either way I would've been dead if I truly wanted that power of my empire," Lotor chuckled darkly as he shook his head disappointedly.

"You can't know that," Pidge scoffed.

"I have a weapon, more powerful than my sincline, and I will kill all of you before you can even try anything, when I escape to go back to my home, this castle will only be a memory," Lotor smirked at them seeing fear return in their eyes. It's been so long since he's had the power of fear, putting fear in his enemies was fulfilling.

"What did you do?" Hunk asked quietly.

"I only simply made a friend," he hummed backing away as Allura mouth was parted a little with fear in her eyes.

"And a family," he smirked sitting down on the bench.

"I don't believe you,"

They all looked at lance surprised as Lotor narrowed his eyes. Put an accent on his voice it would tragically sound like Isamu.

"I can't believe that you have something that can tell you the future, o-or a family, you can't have a kid or something, do you?" Lance asked awkwardly now as he was confident at first.

"I don't have a child, that is... disturbing, family is more than blood," Lotor said flatly looking at him.

"And the weapon is only a little part, very powerful but is so much more than a weapon, they will come for me, I'm not worried," Lotor sighed with his hands behind his back quirking a brow.

"Send him to the air lock, let's see how worried you'll be then," Allura spat.

"Allura we can't kill him, what about the colony?" Shiro stopped her quickly grabbing her shoulder.

"We have Romelle and we will save them," Allura nodded.

"Seal the vents," Allura typed into a screen as Lotor saw the vents to his cell close and he glared at her.

"I have a sister, and a brother," Lotor called closing his eyes.

"Freja and Raik, they're my family, Raik and I share the same mother and father, he is four years older than me, Freja is thirteen now, zarkon is her father but slaughtered her mother as a child, you kill me, you kill their brother," Lotor told them calmly as he hated that he admitted to it.

He couldn't bring himself to even say Lycus's name, saying his baby brothers name, to admit to these so called heroes they're taking away one of his baby brothers parental figure, he knew he couldn't finish saying Lycus.

"Allura please stop, this isn't like you," Keith looked at her wide eyes.

"I'll take you to them,"

She looked at Lotor sternly as he had a calm facial expression but the dread in his eyes where true.

Allura nodded opening the air vents again making Lotor cough a little for air.

"Don't ever call my bluff again, galra," She snarled and turned away with tears in her eyes, not letting them fall in front of all of them. Not now. Not with the rage mixed with fear, mixed with heart break. It was all to much.

All to much one man holds over her.

A/N: sorry so this might get confusing, so it's basically is kinda taking place with season 7/8 but without the whole missing three years. If that makes sense...

So basically it takes place in their season 7 with Sendak isn't dead yet but the Paladins just took flight from earth again with the atlas and Acxa but if you have questions please let me know cause it probably doesn't make sense.

Thank you for reading you amazing human beings!


Later gators!!

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