Family issue

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"Raik! Help! Frejas trying to cook!" Lycus cried out as he sat on a table watching his sister trying to bake altean goods. Raik brought Isamu with him back home as Isamu raised an eye brow at the siblings and Raik shrugged as if its normal.

"I found an altean cook book!" Freja screamed back in defense.

Lycus pouted as he crossed his arms and ate some of the toppings she had out as the oldest walked over.

"Is it against his will?" Raik asked Freja.

"He started to eat my ingredients so it is now," Freja glared at the four year old as Lycus pouted.

"Where's Lotor?" Raik groaned as Isamu munched on the toppings with Lycus who smiled at the altean.

"How should I know?" Freja snorted as she stood on her toes grabbing an ingredient but Raik grabbed it for her.

"Fine, Lycus Where's your favorite brother?" Raik cooed at the four year old as he hoped to be pointed at.

"Lotor said he was going for a walk around town and woods," Lycus smiled brightly and Isamu snorted seeing raiks face drop.

"Well then," he huffed and Isamu smirked.

"Want me to get him?" He asked standing up as Lycus hugged the bowl of toppings to his chest not wanting to share anymore.

"You sure? With that... vision, is it best?" Raik pursed his lips looking at Isamu concerned.

"I think I'm the best person for that kind of thing, my magic my problem anyways," Isamu nodded smirking as he walked out of the house.

"Please don't make me eat her food hostagely," Lycus whined looking at Raik making a face.


Lotor was walking through the woods with his gaze zoned out feeling voices in his head whispering in the back.

"Lotor..." it felt like someone whispering in his ear. He sighed closing his eyes ignoring it.

A dark hand hovered over his shoulder as the fingers cracked near his ear making Lotor turn quickly only to see no one there in the woods with him.

Lotor let out an annoyed breath and turned to wall again to clear his head but gasped seeing a figure in front of him. Lotor jumped back as he got back from whatever it was but the figure cleared to be a woman with long white hair and golden eyes with purple pupils.

"My son..." she breathed as Lotors eyes widen horrified.

"Get our of my head witch," Lotor spat.

"Your smart enough to know this isn't just your imagination, be smarter to know I can choose whether to leave or not," she looked at Lotor calmly.

"Yet you choose your second born son rather than your first born?" He scoffed.

"Raik died thousands of years ago," honerva frowned sadly.

"So did our mother," Lotor glared darkly.

"This is a beautiful forest," honerva looked around calmly.

"Leave," Lotor snarled.

"Wherever you go I will be there," honerva sighed sadly.

"I remember so much my son, I remember my life before I was Hagar, including how alfor and the Paladins took zarkon and I's first son," honerva walked to him with pain in her eyes.

"But as long as I'm alive, as long as your alive, I will always be with you," she touched the side of his face gently but Lotor snarled pulling back before her touch could reach him.

"I will find you my son," honerva whispered.

"But as long as you deny my love I can show you the monsters you truly fear, I'm in your mind, I can control everything in your world," she glared back at him as Lotor stayed silent.

"I'll find a way to rid of you witch," Lotor whispered back in such a low tone it frightened the witch in the slightest.

"I doubt it," honerva sighed but as Lotor turned from her she disappeared from the air.

Lotor felt cold sweat roll down the side of his head but covered his face taking a shaky breath.

A hand touched his arm but Lotor grabbed it and slammed the figure against the tree with his strong hand around their throat.


Lotors eyes widen seeing it was Isamu as he immediately dropped the altean and backed away as Isamu coughed a little but was fine.

"The Hell man?" Isamu inhaled as he caught his breath but Lotors hands where shaking at his side with wide eyes.

"I'm so sorry," he whispered.

"Hey it's okay, what happened?" Isamu blinked confused.

"The witch, she's in my head, she'll bring the galra here, I-I should've killed her long ago," Lotor covered his mouth sitting on a boulder as Isamu knelt in front of him.

"A witch?" Isamu questioned.

"Hagar," He rasped and the alteans eyes widen.

"She keeps saying things and I can't sleep, for days, even the vision you showed me didn't faze my sleep, but this witch, she's just as bad as zarkon, with the power she possesses..." Lotor trailed off as his throat felt dry.

"What did she say to you lo..?" Isamu asked quietly.

"That she's honerva," Lotor growled. "My mother,"

"She's in my head and she's going to find the colony," he closed his eyes tiredly but Isamu touched his knee gently.

"Mind if I help?" He smiled cheeky at him and Lotor hesitated but nodded softly.

Isamu brushed his hair back and held the sides of Lotors head firmly but not hard. He whispered a small chant as Lotor felt everything go dark for a moment but suddenly golden eyes with a sheik hit both of the men making Isamu fall back with a cry.

"Quiznecking witch knock it off!" Isamu shouted as Lotor was surprised from the headache.

"What was that?" Lotor asked holding his head in pain.

"Your stupid mom has some spell that's blocking me out, bitch I've had 10,000 years of free time, come on we're not done," Isamu grabbed his shirt and yanked Lotor back to the house of hybrids.

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