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"So catch me up on it all, a few weeks I'm guessing some thugs change," Isamu made some caffeinated tea for himself as Lotor hung around to make sure Isamu was alright.

"Oh um well many farmers have some to visit you, noticing when you didn't come to them for friendly visits, a old woman cried hearing the news," Lotor pursed his lips sadly.

"That's Elodra," Isamu smiled softly. "She knows my secret and her parents died when she was a little girl, her mother was ill then her father did as well a few years later, I made sure she was alright all her life..."

"There's been a few that found out about my Druid past and they grow old as I stay the same... some I'm there for their first breath and their last," he sighed sipping the tea.

"If there was a cure for it all, being a Druid, immortality, would you take it?" Lotor smirked at him. Isamu smirked back but shook his head.

"No, I like having the power, I like seeing the universe progress, I would've died ten thousand years ago and never know that there's hope again," Isamu smiled at him sitting on the counter.

"Voltron," Lotor nodded pursing his lips.

"No, you," he giggled tilting his head to the side. Lotor looked at him wide eyes and smiled softly.

"Me? A colony is not really something to say one is hope," Lotor blushed embarrassed.

"Um it's more than voltrons done, sure they save planets but lo you saved a whole species! Alteans have been dead for ten thousand years and no suspects of us alive until voltron came around," Isamu scoffed crossing his legs leaning back.

He now wore a grey long sleeve that hung off his shoulder with black pants that gave his legs a shape while he didn't bother wearing shoes.

Lotor noticed the small things about Isamu now, since he woke up from his coma, since he feared that one day Isamu would never breathe again. He noticed how when Isamu got excited his pointed ears wiggled a little and how he smiled with his body but a fake smile was easy to detect instead when his shoulders didn't rise. How he kicked his feet when he sat on the counter, always smells his tea and blows on it before drinking it every first three sips. He had patterns and Lotor loved to watch them, that they may be patterns but no one else do these kinds of things like Isamu.

"Well I take what I can get, right now that universe will never know what I've done for alteans, of course because of romelle..." Lotor trailed off as his heart stopped and his stomach dropped.

"Romelle..." his eyes widen in horror. Voltron knows of the colony.

"Lo?" Isamu tilted his head to the side confused.

"They know... they could find us, voltron knows where the colony is and could come after me, if voltron knows the word can get out to the galra and the rebels..." Lotor covered his face leaning against the wall as Isamu got up immediately to go to him.

"What are you babbling about?" Isamu frowned.

"Romelle told voltron about the colony, voltron thinks of me as a monster, but they also should think I'm dead, there's a 50/50 chance they could come seeking alteans," Lotor sighed shaking his head.

"What..?" Isamu whispered. He wouldn't let honerva take his home, nor will voltron.

"They won't, we're more powerful than voltron," Isamu scoffed at him. "With whatever the bloody hell you have out there and my powers, besides honerva we're quiznexing most powerful thing the universe has to offer,"

"Isamu don't speak like that," Lotor looked at him softly.

"I'm not talking power hungry, I'm saying that if the galra, Rebels, or Voltron want to attack our home, they have one hell of a battle if they want you," Isamu smirked determined up at him and Lotor looked at him for a moment. He saw the vision of what would've happened if he desired power more than his family. But Isamu was right... they are probably the most powerful thing in this universe, Isamu is as powerful as honerva, Lotors sincline ship is the same materiel of voltron, but Lotor made his weapon faster, stronger, independent....

"What if we made more like my ships... what if Oriande could should us..." Lotor smiled at him smugly and Isamu punched the air excitedly.

"We need a system though, warning signals for anyone that tries to attack the colony, we need weapons," Lotor put a hand under his chin.

"No army," Isamu said flatly.

"What if we set up the meeting with the council, a discussion about it all, come clean for your secret only for them to swear to never tell anyone of it, there will be a punishment if they do," Lotor touched his shoulder gently as Isamu pursed his lips.

"Someone could easily let it slip," Isamu mumbled looking down.

"I won't force you, it's a forgivable lie," Lotor nodded.

"Yea-Yea I rather not let it spill unless it's those who already know," Isamu laughed nervously and Lotor agreed smiling a little.

"At dusk we will gather, I'll have Raik to send out the word," Lotor told him calmly as Isamu beamed brightly at him.

"Oooh we're going to Oriande," Isamu jumped excitedly as Lotor chuckled softly at him.

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