Return to the colony

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Isamu gasped as he woke up in the middle of the night in the cold bed alone. He gulped a shaky breath but pulled himself together looking around but heard something in the kitchen.

"L-Lotor?" Isamu gulped getting out of bed as he grabbed one of Lotors shirts to go see if his love was back.

He walked into the kitchen seeing Kova pawing at a cabinet for food as there was some things knocked down. Isamu sighed picking them up and grabbed kovas bowl. Kova meowed and brushed up against isamu's leg while purring, Isamu shook his head smiling.

"He's going to be back, probably just got lost, he's stupid sometimes," Isamu gulped as he let Kova eat.

He sat on the couch not really wanting to go back to sleep, it wasn't even dawn yet, but he knew he would be restless. Lotor was never late from a supply mission, there was so many possibilities but he knew tomorrow Lotor would be back, tell him what happened and they'd all be fine. Probably just making sure no one is following him back to the colony.

It was hard, Isamu just had a bad feeling he never has gotten before, he didn't know why he had this horrible feeling in his chest, it's why he couldn't sleep in the first place.

Isamu sighed standing up as he went back to his room and put on some real clothes, he grabbed a pair of dark blue pants as they ended below his knees while throwing on a sleeveless tunic that was a dark purple, with gold bands around his biceps. He barely bothered with shoes as Kova jumped on his shoulders seeing Isamu leaving.

He walked through the woods and to the open field, where he and Lotor have been many times to just talk, it was relaxing. He walked around for a while but went to a home near by.

He knocked on the door and waited for a moment but heard footsteps approaching.

"Isamu?" Raik answered tiredly as his hair wasn't in its braid like usual.

"Hey, Sorry i didn't mean to wake you, just couldn't sleep," Isamu laughed awkwardly hugging his chest. The hybrid older brother looked at him concerned but let Isamu come in as he opened the door wider.

"I get up in an hour anyways," Raik smiled as they went to the kitchen.

"Lotor didn't come back yet?" Raik asked seeing Isamu not that excited as he usually is. Dread was clear on his face.

"No, I'm more worried than usual about him Raik," Isamu sighed crossing his arms shaking his head.

"You have any visions?" The brother asked.

"No but I have a feeling, a bad one, it makes me nauseous almost, something bad is coming," he gulped softly but heard a cough turning to see Freja on the couch sleeping.

"Still sick?" He smiled sadly.

"Nothing dangerous, just a fever, the tea you brought over made her sleep better actually," Raik smiled back nodding.

"I can bring more over, she's always the tough girl, kinda weird seeing her like this," Isamu chuckled back.

"Well when your the only sister of three other brothers, you learn to toughen up a little bit, especially as all of us are galra," Raik snorted as they laughed quietly.

"You can take the guest room Isa, it use to be Lotors but I can tell you don't really want to be alone," Raik patted his shoulder gently as the altean smiled.

"It's just weird in my own home, I spent centuries alone there and some stupid hybrid is gone for one night, I'm suddenly a desperate woman," Isamu scoffed sarcastically.

"No, your just a worried partner for their love, and as your friend I'm telling you to stay here until then, I could use another pair of hands around here anyways," Raik nodded comfortingly at him making Isamu sighed tiredly but agreed.

"Thank you old friend," Isamu smiled.



"The abyss is only one entree, a main one so less try to come, so many think it's nothing more," Lotor stood on the main deck with the Paladins as there was a larger ship behind them, the atlas.

"So how do we avoid it?" Keith asked sternly as Acxa stayed with them, making sure Lotor doesn't try to attack, his hands cuffed in front of him while her gun was ready.

"May I pilot?" Lotor smirked at him.

"Enough games Lotor," Allura snarled.

"It's not a game, only my brother and I know how to pilot our way back to the colony through the abyss, there's a passage you must find, if you don't well you'll be stuck for a long while, unlike you I don't have that time to waste," Lotor looked at her flatly as the Paladins looked about each other but Allura sighed.

"Any tricks and you'll be the first to die," Allura steppes aside for him.

"I'm truly terrified," Lotor said barely with amusement in his voice and more annoyance stepping forward to pilot the castle while lance got his gun out as well as krolia grabbing her blade.

Lotor took control with one hand as it was best he could do.

"Your ship is to large to go smoothly, a reason I use my altean pod rather than the sincline," Lotor looked at them glaring and dove the castle straight down into a dark hole while everyone screamed in the darkness.

Until they flew into a blue sky of the remote planet.

"The colony," Romelle gasped looking below.

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