Family trip

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"Don't touch that,"

Lycus paused as his hand hovered over a button in Lotors ship as Freja stayed with Raik in another ship of the sincline.

"Where are we going? How long is it going to take? We're not going back to the empire right? I don't really like it there," Lycus groaned as he crawled over to Lotor and sat in his big brothers lap looking over the controls curiously as he sat on his knees and looked behind Lotor.

"Going somewhere safe, only a few deca phobes, no," Lotor answered simply as he raised an eye brow at the littlest brother of them all. Even if they all shared the same father they all knew the cruelty of the empire so Raik took the two while Lotor went to rule the empire as Hagar found him more suitable since he was raised under it. Lycus looked almost exactly like Lotor when he was young as his accent was the same as well. They all did.

"Are you still the emperor? Or are you the prince again? Do we get to see your generals? What about the Paladins of Voltron?! Raik said you where with them for a while," Lycus gasped excitedly.

"You are a curious one, sit still Lycus," Lotor grunted as the boy was climbing over his shoulder.

"Are we going to voltron?" Lycus sat back in his lap looking up at Lotor curiously.

"No... Voltron will not help us," Lotor said softly as Lycus frowned with wide eyes.

"Oh... so did you build this?" Lycus asked perking up again.

"I did, help of course but no one knows what it can truly do like me," Lotor pokes his nose smirking as Lycus giggled.

"Are we going to that altean colony?" He asked curious still.

"Now where did you hear of that?" Lotor raised an eye brow.

"I heard you and Raik talking about it before you left," Lycus pursed his small lips and Lotor brushed his hair back gently as it reminded him of his hair when he was young.

"Well yes, we are, an altean colony I know we'll be safe, I have never told my generals or the empire, Raik helped build it with me long ago," Lotor explained gently as he let out a small sigh.

He would stop everything there, taking alteans to the 'other colony'. He'd have to tell Raik the truth but it would be stopped as they would live peacefully instead.

"Raik said he met my mother before she died... she was half altean too," Lycus looked up at him wide hopeful eyes.

"No Lycus, she's full altean," Lotor smirked at him. She was an altean that lived in hiding but zarkon found her and made her his prisoner and years she gave birth, no one knew who was the father or how the woman became with child but she was killed after the child was born. They where going to kill both but Lotor stopped them and even killed a doctor that tried. He ran tests over and over on the boy but it came to the same answer that zarkon was his father.

"So I'm like you!" Lycus gasped.

"I suppose so littlest warrior," Lotor chuckled at him and Lycus laid on his chest as he yawned.

"Get some rest, when you wake up we'll be there," Lotor told him calmly as Lycus let his eyes drift close and fell asleep against his brother.

Lotor held the boy with one arm as he brought up a screen to communicate with Raik. Soon his brothers face came up as Freja was peaking over.

"Brother," Lotor nodded. "Little warrior,"

"Oh so serious," Raik teased and Lotors ears went down a little.

"He's actually sleeping? It takes ten minutes with his favorite and he's sleeping?!" Freja cried out seeing Lycus in his arms as her face took up the screen but Raik pushed her away unamused.

"Took half that time to get him just to sit down," Lotor said flatly but Raik groaned.

"That kid has to much energy, and then just passes out wherever during the day," Raik said unamused still and Lotor raised an eye brow.

"You said his mother was half altean?" Lotor asked calmly.

"Was she not? She was a Druid," Raik raised an eye brow.

"What?" Lotors eyes widen.

"She ran away from the empire centuries ago but ten years ago she was captured and four years ago that guy popped out, was killed for treason," the oldest explained and Lotor shook his head.

"I suppose you've met her, but a Druid? She was full altean and a Druid," Lotor scoffed at it. Those where dangerous creatures as if Hagar-

His face fell.

"The Universe is small sometimes," Raik nodded smiling.

"What about my mom? You guys never say anything about her," Freja pouted next to the oldest.

"Because we don't have a name Freja, I'm sorry but Raik and I have tried finding your mother but it's been dead ends, doesn't mean we've given up," Lotor told his only sister as she frowned annoyed.

"Hey at least you know your mother isn't a Druid," Raik teased her and Lotor gave him a small glare.

"I'll take what I can get I guess," she put her feet up sticking out her tongue.

"Are we almost to the colony yet?" Freja asked with a long groan after a few minutes of silence.

"This is going to be a long trip,"

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