Alternate decisions

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"No I'm serious, altean parties, especially young ones, party like no one else, there was this one time where like a hundred of us went deep in the woods, by a lake, got a fire and to much nunville," Isamu exclaimed as he and Lotor laughed drinking some tea he made as Lotor stated to enjoy his company.

"I've never pictured an altean as a partying animal as you put it," Lotor chuckled sipping the delightful tea.

"It was amazing, the stars above and the energy around, I promise you i never seen so many people passed out in the forest, i even found some in front of my home," Isamu told him giggling.

"I promise you that it will happen again, once in a while you will see a bunch of kids sneaking out, leave them be, join them," he pointed at the emperor smirking.

"Nunville is a blessing to stress," he hummed crossing his legs and Lotor snorted.

"I'll drink to that," Lotor raised his cup.

"Are you admitting that the mighty emperor drinks alcohol?" Isamu gasped dramatically.

"When your stuck at 21 for the rest of your immortal life, there are times where you drown yourself in a drink," Lotor shrugged leaning back.

"And I'll drink to that," Isamu raise his own mug to him as Lotor laughed.

"So how did you become immortal? How you got the cool white hair?" He asked curiously.

"I've always had my hair this color, I was actually a miscarriage but something awful happened to my parents, causing my mother to die from child birth and for zarkon to become what he was," Lotor explained unfazed by it.

"But you have younger siblings?" He cocked his head to the side.

"I don't know how but my brother Lycus's mother was an altean Druid as well and had zarkons child and then killed, Freja we are unsure, I killed soldiers before they tried to kill her as an infant," Lotor sipped his tea looking down a little.

"Your a hero," Isamu smirked.

"Reason I'm stuck this age or form is because I believe my aging stopped when I hit the mature level, I thought it was when I was eighteen, maybe it has, I like to think I'm older at least, just one day I realized it's been ten years then to centuries,"

"I'm just glad I never died like a mortal," Lotor let out a small breath looking out the window.

"Guess that makes us both, I'm glad we met," Isamu smirked at him sticking out his tongue as Lotor copied with a little of his tongue out.

"It almost feels like fate," he hummed teasingly.

"I thought you didn't believe in faith?" Lotor teased back.

"I don't, but a little bit of right place right time does happen," Isamu smiled softly at him and got up.

"Come on, you probably should go home and my couch is the worst to sleep on," Isamu held out his hand standing in front of Lotor. He shook his head smiling as he gently grabbed isamus hand and got to his feet.

"The night has been wonderful Isamu, thank you so much," Lotor nodded as they where a foot apart and Isamu smirked.

"I'll see you around Princey boy," Isamu snorted taking his cup and went to the kitchen.

Lotor gulped a little as he went to the door but stopped with his hand hovering over the handle to open it. He frowned to himself remembering this feeling he feared, heart beating faster, face flushing, Allura only made him feel wanted but maybe it's all it was. Someone he wanted but not who he needed.

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