Mind set

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Lotor and Isamu sat in the middle of the floor as Isamu lit two candles between them with a metronome in the center.

"I didn't expect Druids to know witchcraft," Lotor looked at Isamu calmly as he started the clicking of the metronome.

"One: it's not witchcraft it's just a clock and some candles, two: how the hell do you think we control the magic in the first place?" Isamu scoffed at him as he grabbed Lotors hands gently and gripped them firmly.

"What do you need me to do?" Lotor asked.

"I set this up to relax you, I can't have you being all defensive and tense when I do this," Isamu looked at him softly and Lotor nodded inhaling softly as he took a deep breath, closing his eyes.

"Just a warning, all you'll be able to do is breathe and control your eyes, I'm paralyzing you cause I know you and you'll back out, ready onetwothree go," Isamu snapped his fingers and clapped as Lotor opened his eyes confused but he couldn't move his body.

"Just relax, all you have to do is trust me lo, we're friends right?" Isamu smiled up at him cheekily as he gripped his hands again. Lotor narrowed his eyes.

"Yep, close your eyes, let's go," Isamu hummed as he closed his eyes as well. Lotor let out an annoyed breath but closed his eyes as well following isamu's lead.

They listened to the metronome as minutes passed and kept their eyes closed. Lotor didn't know how many minutes passed as he lost track trying to know the time and failed. He didn't feel any different and felt the darkness in his mind coming back.

"I don't think it's working Isamu," Lotor sighed as he opened his eyes again but was taken back seeing he was no longer in the cabin.

"Isamu?!" Lotor called as he looked around the void of an empty space but for all he could see was just nofhing but the blue, purple and orange sky above him with stars and the black shimmering ground below him.

"Calm down its just your mind," Isamu appeared behind him.

"What do you mean just my mind?" Lotor growled at him.

"Put your kitten fangs away and trust me," Isamu scoffed smirking.

"This isn't a game Isamu," Lotor groaned.

"No shit, you think I want honerva to find the colony? Not really, I get executed for treason if the empire finds me," Isamu waved him off as he knelt to the ground and touched the cold surface with his palm pressed flat.

"Yea she's here," he sighed standing up.

"Hey baby mama stop stalking your son and come out!" Isamu called as his voice echoed but Lotor glared.

"Stop acting like a child, if it's my mind she cannot control it," Lotor crossed his arms.

"Then why is she still here?" Isamu looked at him flatly. Suddenly a black energy of lightning hit him and Isamu slid across the ground from the impact.

"Found her," he groaned from the ground as Lotor grabbed his sword.

"Come out witch!" Lotor snarled as Isamu got back to his feet and his hands charged up with black energy.

"I didn't expect meeting face to face again would be like this my son," honerva appeared in front of them on black smoke as she walked forward.

"Isamu," she narrowed her eyes at him.

"You remembered my name, I'm touched," Isamu shrugged.

"You got my attention boys, what is it you want, I have my Druids searching for your location," honerva walked closer but Isamu stepped in front of Lotor glaring.

"You won't find him," he spat.

"I doubt that," she sighed.

"Why are you so desperate honerva? There is no making it right," Lotor growled threateningly at her.

"I will make right by my family," honerva looked at him sadly.

"I have a family, zarkon had affairs with other women," Lotor scoffed at her and honerva pursed her lips.

"Honerva this has gone far enough, I assure you he's safe from anything but he won't be if you continue this," Isamu told her gently with his hand out trying not to show any signs of being a threat.

"Along side with a traitor to his own people, a coward," honerva spat at the fellow altean.

"That's it I'm done, go get em tiger," Isamu turned to Lotor unamused, he cried out when black energy hit him by Lotor quickly caught him before he hit the ground.

"Honerva enough! I lost my mother long ago and nothing will change that! Consider me dead along side with her!" Lotor snarled harshly as Isamu held onto him glaring.

"I'm over it, gloves are off," isamu's faded into a glowing bright orange as he got up, cracking purple and black lightning in his hands as he shot it at the woman. Honerva cried out flying back but growled back with her eyes glowing yellow.

Honerva shot a large energy blast at him as Isamu put up a purple half dome shield blocking it as he punched lightning back.

"I could've over powered you witch!" Isamu snarled at her as honerva teleported and roared appearing on his right as lightning shot and Isamu gasped as he teleported out of the way.

"I will not let that mistake happen again," she spat.

"Hey you okay?" Isamu popped up behind Lotor.

"Your battling in my mind," Lotor looked at him.

"Okay so I'm thinking I get us the hell out of here and I have a plan I might've preferred before I starting battling," Isamu tapped his chest pursing his lips. The altean gasped seeing honerva charging up a large blast as the lightning crackling around her limps.

"Get back," Isamu shoved him back as honerva shrieked as Isamu charged with lightning as they attacked at each other with the energy slamming into another.

Lotor gasped snapping his eyes open as isamu's body fell limp onto the wooden floor.

"Is she gone?" Lotor groaned at the headache pounding against his skull but noticed Isamu unresponsive.

"Isamu?" He blinked confused reaching over to him, shaking the altean a little.

"Hey wake up," he crawled to isamu's side as he was breathing fine but wouldn't open his eyes.

"Isamu? Wake up!" Lotor shook his body a little but nothing. He looked at the altean wide eyes. What happened from that attack?

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