The market

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As days went by, the hybrids got along well with living with he colony as Freja went to adventure around as Lycus hung around with Lotor as he was speaking to other officials that help with the colony. There were things that must be sorted out to run fluently as a society as the people were ready for the change because they believed in Lotor.

"If it's okay sir I hope you'll be open to some ideas I think will help the colony," an old altean man walked up with a notebook of ideas.

"These ideas are great Pranx, but this isn't a dictatorship, my brother and I, Well we agreed on more of a monarchy as were very open to other representatives," Lotor smiled down at him but gasped when Lycus tugged on his waist cape.

"Yes?" Lotor looked down at him. He knelt down to the child as the four year old whispered something in his ear and Lotor looked at the altean and nodded picking up his brother.

"Is everything alright emperor? And prince?" The altean smiled awkwardly.

"My apologies, Lycus just asks if he could pet the animals at your farm..." Lotor looked at him raising an eye brow.

"There was a big fuzzy one that was pretty," Lycus held onto his brothers shoulder smiling.

"He's busy Lycus, go find Freja," Lotor set him down as Lycus whined and ran off calling for his sister.

"Pardon my brother, but may we talk about these excellent ideas?" Lotor smiled kindly and the old man chuckled.

"I know young ones are quite a handful, but it's great seeing them grow up though," Pranx waved it off laughing.

"Morning Isamu," the old man waved at the young man going through the market near by as he had a basket. The blue hair altean looked up and waved smiling.

"Morning mr. Pranx," Isamu walked over to them.

"Emperor," he hummed at the hybrid.

"Isamu, I see your in town today," Lotor nodded.

"Isamu is the light in my life ever since my wife passed away," Pranx clasped his hand over the mans shoulder as the altean giggled.

"Is that so?" Lotor raised an eye brow smirking.

"No, no no, mr Pranx is an old friend and I am not your light," Isamu waved it off as the old man laughed.

"But while I found you already, here's the feed for your nekcihc's," he handed the old man a one pound bag of oats and seeds as the old man thanked him.

"Can we continue this later my lord?" Pranx asked chuckling.

"Of course, come find me at any time sir," Lotor nodded as he left and was alone with Isamu.

"How you liking the colony?" Isamu asked smirking as he held his basket in his hand.

"It's beautiful," Lotor smiled.

"It is isn't it, you really are going to look at pranx's ideas right? He's had some forever but never had courage to speak up," Isamu pointed at the notebook in his hand and Lotor looked at it.

"I am, I may have been an emperor before but the situation is very different," Lotor nodded.

"Because you build this little empire yourself, your doing a great job," Isamu nodded as he went back to the market to do his weekly shopping for supplies.

He wore a sleeveless dark blue shirt with a tall collar with black pants and a grey belt around his waist with brown boots as he had a gold band around his tan arm below where his altean marking below his shoulders were. As well as a green jacket around his waist.

"Can i ask why you don't live within the town? Your very familiar and know many," Lotor joined him as they walked together.

"I like my space, the Forest is quiet and I like my walks, plus doesn't it make me so mysterious?" Isamu winked up at him as he stopped to buy some fruit.

"I suppose, but still, it'd be closer," Lotor was curious of the young man around his own age.

"I like to have my own space, my lord," Isamu states simply.

"You don't have to call me that," Lotor pursed his lips.

"Why? Everyone else does," he put a hand on his hip looking at the galra.

"I didn't mean to offend you," Lotor said calmly.

"Sorry I just like getting my stuff and heading back, my friends call me when they need help or I go to mr Pranx to help around his farm," Isamu sighed running a hand through his hair.

"Yea not like you do much else Isamu," a girl and her friends laughed passing by.

"Ah Yes, let me be noble for a kind man but no, let me be more like you," Isamu glared at the girl.

"Or do you need to get rejected again?" He smirked. The girl scoffed walking up to him and grabbed a piece of fruit from it as she took a bite but dropped it at his feet.

"Whoops, that was so yummy I couldn't control myself," the girl hummed as her pink hair was braided over her shoulder.

"Sounds familiar," Isamu said flatly as she huffed flipping her hair as she stormed off.

"Do they bother you much?" Lotor frowned at the girls.

"No, that's anilee, slut, I wasn't interested and made out with her sister instead," Isamu smirked picking up the fruit as he blew off a piece of grass as it was still fine as he took a bit making eye contact with the girl before.

"You are something else Isamu," Lotor laughed softly at him.

"When you aren't raised here and no one knows where you come from for centuries, you get picked on sometimes, but the witty banters are fun," he giggled up at him.

"Hey can you hold this? I need to go talk to a merchant, he grows a flower I need," Isamu handed Lotor his basket and walked into a tender next to a open tent that was selling deserts.

Lotor looked around the market as he saw wood carvings, books, many things intriguing. He looked back seeing Isamu holding a small box as he had a bright smile waving back at the merchant but was suddenly surrounded by three altean men.

"Isamu it's been a while since you came back to town," a boy with mint green hair around his shoulders smirked as he was a few inches taller as touched his box smirking.

"Wow it's like you know me," Isamu stayed flatly with no emotion and pulled away but was grabbed by the waist by the minty boy.

"Come on I miss hanging out," He cooed touching his cheek as he skimmed isamus altean markings but his hand was slapped away.

"Touch me again and I will saw off your hair," Isamu grabbing him by the ear as he yanked him down making the boy cry out.

"Isamu is everything alright?" Lotor walked over with a dark glare.

"Emperor Lotor, hey buddy," Isamu smiled bright letting go as he backed up next to him.

"And this is the secret threesome when they don't get laid by the pretty ones," he motioned to the three boys who where intimidated by the prince.

"Are they bothering you my friend?" Lotor asked playing along.

"Hmm come to think of it my lord..." Isamu trailed off.

"No, we just saw our pal Isamu and said hi, now we're leaving my lord," minty boy paled softly at the galra hybrid and they soon left as Isamu glared.

"Your harassed?" Lotor looked at him disapprovingly.

"I get a little roughed up but I let them, if I didn't they'd be onto me, you and I both know I'd kick their asses," Isamu smirked grabbing his backer back as he put the box in it.

"Doesn't mean it's okay," Lotor frowned.

"So what? You should know, gotta do whatcha gotta do to survive," Isamu winked as he walked away from the prince not bothered by what happens at the market but Lotor didn't like it. Not one bit.

But he said nothing as he watched Isamu grab his horse like animal as he went home.

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