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Weeks went on as the hybrid had a home after helping alteans build a two story house as the children got to fight over rooms and they bought furniture for inside as Lotor and Raik earned some money from helping civilians. They weren't ever going to be like zarkon, the brothers agreed to be equal to the civilians as they were not better because of their title as emperor, or partners of the leadership, as Raik helped farmers fix machines as Lotor helped mechanics and upgrading technology.

Girls fawned over the brothers as Raik noticed the ladies and Lotor stayed oblivious to the crushes on him, not hearing the girls whisper which one is more attractive as it was an even tie between the two.

Raik took his sister once in a while out to the universe to go to the refugees and get materials but they seemed like many others as he used his altean abilities to hide his purple colors of galra.

"Lotor?" Lycus walked up to his brother pouting as Lotor was setting up a system in their home as his hair was in a low pony tail and had his armor off with his black sleeves rolled up.

"Yes Lycus?" Lotor typed into a hologram screen.

"When do I get to leave like Freja? Or learn how to fight like you? Or be smart?" He asked sticking out his bottom lip looking up at him as Lotor used his hands to create two holoscreens.

"You are a smart lad Lycus, but your still to young to leave like Freja and to fight you have to know how to at least hit, more or less pick up a sword," Lotor knelt down to him calmly.

"I'm not little!" Lycus whined.

"Unfortunately you are littlest warrior," Lotor ruffled his hair smirking but it made the youngest huff.

"But you've been able to fight forever!" Lycus defended.

"I also didnt have a choice, your in a world now where you don't have to know how to fight to survive, your blessed to be in a kind society like the colony," Lotor smiled sadly at him as Lycus pouted.

"But I wanna know how to be strong! What if something happens to you or Raik?" Lycus crosses his arms as Lotor raised an eye brow.

"You want to learn how to fight, I was taught intelligence first, I memorized the galra history and the galra way before I laid hands on a sword, my governess taught me obedience," Lotor explained softly. He didn't want his youngest brother to fight, he didn't want him to be in a situation where he had to fight.

"Father was merciless Lycus, I was forced to know the ways of a battle," Lotor stood up as Lycus wasn't convinced.

"At least you grew up with a father!" He shouted at Lotor and stormed off with stomping his feet and went outside slamming the door.

Lotor sighed swiping away the screens as he took his hair out of the pony tail and went to follow his brother.

"Lycus," Lotor walked outside looking around as he saw in the open land Lycus trying to pick up Lotors sword as it was bigger than the boy and much heavier than his small frame was.

"Lycus!" Lotor barked as he ran over immediately as he grabbed the sword from his hands quickly and stashed it away in its holder as Lycus gasped at the speed.

"You don't touch a blade like that!" He raised his voice at the boy as Lycus fell on his bottom and his legs where crossed. Lotor looked at him concerned but heard a small sob. Oh no.

"I-i don't like being small... I want to be big like you," Lycus cried as his hands stayed in his lap and Lotor sat on the ground with him.

"I know little brother," Lotor sighed. "Your a lot like me, I think we get that from our father, the need to fight to feel strong, but we don't have too,"

"But you left and I didn't know if you would come back!" Lycus yelled at him with tears streaming down his face and Lotor looked at him sadly.

"But have you seen me raise my sword since we've been here?" Lotor asked and Lycus wipes under his nose and shook his head.

"That is what I've wanted for thousands of years, and I may have not grown up with peace, but it's all I want you to grow up with brother, with the freedom to speak out of term, to show emotion, to question our ways," Lotor narrowed his eyes looking at the grass in front of him.

"To not grow up with our father,"

"I'm never going to know what a father or mother is..." Lycus sniffled.

"I wish you did have a parental figure, zarkon is not what you need for one, all four of us, that's all we have, and what Raik and I build, it will be yours one day, it will be something we will pass down to you and Freja, peace," Lotor smiled wiping away Lycus's tear running down his face.

"I'm sorry I yelled before, I didn't want you to hurt yourself with a blade like this," Lotor sighed as Lycus hugged his legs.

"I'm sorry for taking your sword," he nodded.

Lotor stood up with a grunt and reached in his boot to grab a small dagger he kept.

"If you grew up the way I did, to be a soldier, with zarkon, you'd never sleep again, but I think you are getting older to know how to at least weld a weapon, not to attack but to know how to use one rather than finding one and hurting yourself," Lotor handed it to his brother as Lycus held it curiously.

"Never hold it where the end points at you," Lotor took out his own sword to show him.

"Your going to teach me?" Lycus gasped.

"Someone must at a time in your life, and Raik won't allow you until your married," Lotor chuckled and Lycus made a face in disgust of marriage.

"Your stance and form must be as strong as the metal that is created to be a blade, unbreakable," Lotor nodded as he watched Lycus get in a lunge with his arm holding the dagger extended as his free hand was on his hip.

"Example," Lotor pushed him back by the forehead as Lycus cried out falling back as he dropped the dagger.

"How?" Lycus got back up.

"You got back up, so you will learn, as long as you always get back up," Lotor smiled proudly at him as Lycus giggled.

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