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Bright blue eyes and orange pupils snapped open as a small whimper escaped tan lips. Isamu looked around bewildered as he felt his limps numb and paralyzed as he laid on the couch. A small cry was rasped as he inhaled a few times as his throat was dry and his breathing was uneven now.

Isamu felt tears dripping down the sides of his face trying to move but his body refused to as he was fearful and confused of what was happened. Suddenly his fingers twitched as he looked at his hand wide eyes.

Finally a desperate gasp for air was stolen as Isamu bolted from his couch sitting up immediately. He grasped his shirt tightly as he coughed harshly looking around frantically.

Isamu coughed into his hand as tears spilt down his face as he blinked rapidly trying to catch his breath. He inhaled deeply a few times shakily, he saw the glass of water and didn't think twice as he reached for it with trembling hands but it was knocked over and spilt onto the ground.

He cried out as he felt like something was still choking him and the pressure on his chest was unbearable. Isamu rolled onto his side trying to speak a cry for help but his voice refused to make any sound.

Isamu felt his head pounding as he couldn't force himself up while black dots danced in his vision and his ears rung, sweat dripping down his face as he laid on his side unable to simply breath.

"H-help..." he horsed as he clutched his chest laying on his side but felt the darkness coming back to take him from his consciousness.


Lotor walked in with Lycus on his shoulders as the four year old was babbling about how he 'beat' his big brother at a battle as it was mostly Lotor letting Lycus sit on him while he kept his head down on the ground as Lycus claimed victory.

"I am the all mighty!" Lycus roared victorious as Lotor set him down laughing softly at his brother.

He looked over at Isamu but frowned seeing the water knocked down and Isamu was on his side with his arm draped to the ground.

"Isamu?" Lotor ran to his side as Lycus's smile fell quickly. He shook the altean a little to wake him up and suddenly Isamu gasped again as he opened his eyes fearfully as he started hyperventilating.

"Lycus go get Raik!" Lotor yelled quickly as he sat up Isamu who was gasping and whimpering in his arms.

"Just breathe Isamu, I'm here," Lotor looked at him concerned as Isamu coughed harshly as tears ran down his face.

"Look at me, just look at me," Lotor held his face gently to hold up isamu's head as he panted gripping his chest but he looked at Lotor wide confused eyes. His purple thumb skimmed under isamu's crescent altean markings trying to calm him down but let out a relieved breath when the altean inhaled deeply and exhaled. He finally could breath normal again.

"Here," Lotor grabbed the glass as there was a little bit of water that laid in the bottom. Isamu grabbed it with a trembling hand and gulped the water in one go.

"Your okay, your okay," Lotor hushed him gently running his fingers through the blue locks.

"What-what h-happened?" Isamu rasped harshly looking at Lotor as he wiped away his tears.

"What do you remember?" Lotor asked. Isamu thought for a moment but he bit his bottom lip shaking his head.

"Honerva," he whispered closing his eyes.

"I'll explain all you want to know, you need to relax for now," Lotor told him softly and Isamu made a small sound as he rested his head against Lotors shoulder.

"How Long have I been out?" He asked with closed eyes.

"A few weeks, nothing important happened," Lotor looked at him calmly. Isamu nodded exhausted and laid back down but used Lotors lap as a pillow and grabbed the blanket to cover himself to his hips.

"It was just dark, there wasn't even any dreams, just darkness," Isamu whispered staring ahead tiredly.

"You'll dream this time, I promise," Lotor looked down at him pursing his lips.

"Have you been here the whole time?" The altean asked.

"As much as I could for the time," Lotor nodded.

"Thank you..." Isamu smiled softly as he drifted into sleep. Lotor looked down at him wide eyes seeing he was asleep once again. He rubbed his face shaking his head as he looked at Isamu resting in his lap like it was nothing. Lotor sighed as he couldn't help but not move...


"Lotor is everything okay?" Raik ran inside the cabin as Lycus was a little bit behind him but his eyes landed on Isamu laying across the couch sleeping as Lotor was asleep as well with his arm across the couch as head lolled to the side.

He smiled letting out a relieved seeing them both okay, Isamu must've been awake again thankfully as his position was changed and laying on Lotor as a pillow.

"I think it's all good Lycus," Raik looked down at his little brother who smiled at the two giggling.

"Lotor seems happy with isa," Lycus covered his mouth smiling.

"He is," Raik chuckled as he picked up his brother and closed the door behind them as the two left.

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