To stay

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"We're here Lycus," Lotor gently woke up his little brother as the hybrid mumbled a small cuss but opened his eyes. His tired eyes immediately became wide excited ones again as he saw they where at the colony, flying over it. He saw buildings and homes, farms and everything. Further along he saw the statue of his brother.

"Is that you?!" Lycus almost screamed making Lotor flinch.

"It is," Lotor nodded and pulled up the call from his other siblings.

"You made your own statue?" Raik asked flatly.

"It adds some power don't you think," Lotor hummed as Freja snorted.

"I swear to the stars if you still have them call you their savior-" "I didn't choose it, they chose the title and I didn't deny simply," Lotor shrugged him off as Raik grumbled.

"Don't be jealous cause you didn't get a statue either," Freja huffed.

"You weren't even born!" Raik cried out.

"And you raised them? You just as childish as them," Lotor sighed as he was glad he wasn't in that ship.

"Says the savior," Lycus snickered. Lotor snapped his head to the little brother who covered his mouth laughing.

"Yea join our side Lycus!" Freja punched the air as Raik cackled.

"I'm landing with or without you two," Lotor said with no enthusiasm.

"Of course emperor Lotor," Raik teased and the princes face went bright purple. He always wanted that power but when your big brother mocks you with it, it's more embarrassing.

"Shut it..." Lotor mumbled as he went down and the two ships behind him followed to the ground.

Below them there where alteans gathering into a crowd near the statue of Lotor as no one didn't know what the ships where, to attack is all they could know. The ships landed and powered down as Raik got out and jumped down as he caught the eleven year old easily. Some of the alteans recognized him from small visits.

Lotor got out of his ship as Lycus followed and grabbed his brothers hand not use to so many people. Lotor helped him down as the alteans recognize the prince.

"Prince Lotor You've returned!" A woman gasped as his little brother held onto his leg.

People started to talk excitedly seeing their leader has returned.

"I have, and I am here to stay," Lotor smiled at them and people cheered a little.

"Oooh the savior strikes again with hope," Freja teased as Raik snorted.

"What is this thing? What do you mean to stay?" The altean woman asked and Lotor looked back at his brother who nodded. He climbed onto the ships wing for elevation as everyone gathered around as it was a thousand of alteans.

"Alteans please hear my words." Lotor boomed for everyone to listen.

"For 10,000 years alteans have been deceased and to never return, but here we stand, full breed or half breed, alteans will stay as strong, and for all of you know already my galra bloodline. Many said my altean blood is what makes me weak, and I disagree, it's the galra that are flawed," he shouted as some people agreed looking at their leader.

"But the other colony you all dearly wish to go to, is flawed as well, it's... its gone..." he narrowed his eyes and people gasped as their loved ones have gone. Some mothers broke down as some family's comforted each other for how they never got to say the goodbye they wish they could've.

"The galra have destroyed it as well as Voltron who I once worked with to bring peace, the universe is crumbling but we stand strong, Why is it that our small colony has survived for centuries while even the empire slowly falls? Because we are united as equals,"

"So I now stay, but we will not have any encounters with the galra, we are on our own, with each other," he smiled as he looked at his family.

"This ship as many of you wonder, it's a powerful weapon made of the same comet that Voltron is made from, just as powerful to defend us from whoever dares try to take our peace, for if that day happens, I know I will not be there for I will die before we are taken, I promise you all that," he stated strongly.

"I'm sorry for those who will not come home... we will have a memorial for the fallen for our colony, but your not alone anymore," Lotor nodded as some mourned for their losses.

"I know this is all overwhelming and confusing, and I'm sorry to say for many changes to come to our lifestyle due to scarcity, we will be more than a colony, we will be united!" He raised his sword as people started to cheer at the confidence they will believe in.

"I am here to stay, to make a life, and to give you all the leader you deserve,"

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