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Isamu grunted as he climbed to the top of a cliff but rolled onto the flat surface back to his feet letting out a deep breath looking above the mythical lands while the brothers where a few feet below him.

"Wow, hurry up guys it's so cool!" Isamu called down to them as Lotor was below Raik.

"You know little brother-" "Stop it," Lotor grunted pulling himself up further as he was next to Raik.

"I know your trying to play some game but Isamu is not interested in me," Lotor looked at him flatly as Raik only smirked.

"Alteans are naturally bisexual little brother," Raik chuckled and Lotors face darkened with his eyes widen a little.

"Wait excuse me?" Lotor scoffed shaking his head.

"You know how like most species are attracted to the opposite sex and ancestors forbid the same sex together, yea alteans aren't like that, loving species aren't they," Raik smiled at his brother deviously and climbed to the top as Lotor was flustered.

"Since when was this a thing?" Lotor asked confused as he followed the two.


The three approached the Oriande temples as Isamu wasn't afraid to keep walking into it as there was so much to see in so little of time. Lotor didn't rush as much as he saw from the side the white lion watching them closely from the woods. He nodded respectfully at the guardian as it disappeared before anyone else could see.

"You know this would be a perfectly safe place for the colony," Raik looked back at Lotor as he touched the marble temple structure as they could see the altean statues up ahead.

"If voltron didn't know of it already, I would gladly move our home to Oriande, but I fear Hagar May know as well due to that clone of the black paladin," Lotor walked along with them.

"The black paladin of Voltron is a clone? And the team never realized this?" Isamu laughed in disbelief a little and Lotor smiled back nodding.

"Are they that daft?" He snorted.

"Aye, they are, but no worries on them having the most powerful weapon, my sincline is a perfect match," Lotor smirked proudly.

"Thou... before my weapon... they did barely make it out of every battle," Lotor hummed thinking about it for a moment.

"The Paladins of Voltron seem like children, please tell me my doppelgänger was a smart one or with common sense," Isamu giggled as the brothers caught up with him.

"He was the last one to actually trust me," Lotor shrugged.

"Damn, ill take what I can get I suppose," Isamu smiled up at him but him and Raik gasped a little seeing the white lion sitting at the end of the hall.

"It's the guardian, it means no harm," Lotor put a hand over isamu's shoulder.

"A white lion... makes sense where alfor got the idea of the voltron lions," the altean smiled impressed as it walked to them broadly.

"Hello again," Lotor bowed to it for a moment as the other two did as well.

The lion growled at Lotor unamused.

"You piss it off or something?" Raik stood again.

"Yes, exactly that," Lotor looked down at the lion flatly.

"You two stand a chance though to learn oriandes secrets, a trial," Lotor told them calmly as Isamu looked at the lion with a small smile.

"I accept," Isamu nodded and suddenly he disappeared in a flash of white.

"Are you sure about this brother?" Raik asked not sure.

"I am, do not fear it," Lotor put his hand on his brothers shoulder comfortingly and Raik nodded softly.

"I accept," he breathed and disappeared under Lotors hand in a flash of white as only Lotor and the lion remained.

"I am not looking for forgiveness, only mercy," Lotor sighed looking at the guardian calmly.

"And I apologize," he smiled and the lion nodded a little but walked away from him.

Lotor pursed his lips looking down disappointedly, he was disappointed in himself. He had a chance to learn the secrets of altea, Oriande, his own culture... but it was his own fault.

"Victory or death!"

It was a damn verse that has been burnt into every galra that served the empire, even learning that the blade of marmora is "knowledge or death"... it was a cruel curse to be following every time one would go into battle. But it's what the galra fight for...

So what do alteans fight for?

He sighed looking around, trying to see if he can find anything else rather than eternal secrets that his brother and friend now face to know. He couldn't even tell if one will come out knowing them while the other didn't. Or if either of them would?

Lotor walked to the wall and leaned against it waiting, with a long sigh he slid down the wall leaning his head back. Only to wait for one to come back, and to wait for the other as well. It's all he seemed to do in his life. To wait.

Lotors only question back was: was it worth the wait?

When he didn't even know what he was waiting for.

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