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In the middle of the day, Isamu helped Raik around with the kids as he had nothing better to do only all of a sudden Junevive ran into the home as Raik was taking care of his sister while Isamu and Lycus were in the kitchen making tea.

"Junevive, are you alright?" Raik asked cautiously.

"We've been contacted by another ship, it's entered our atmosphere, everyone sees it but no one recognizes it," she explained bewildered.

"Is it Lotor?" Lycus asked confused.

"She said her names princess Allura, they just want to talk but I believe they have something of ours," Junevive inhaled deeply as Raik and Isamu shared a look.

"They have Lotor," Isamu narrowed his eyes and went to walk out to the castle but Raik stopped him.

"We don't know what they want," Raik told him sternly.

"I know what I want, I want my boyfriend back," Isamu snapped and suddenly disappeared in a flash of black smoke.

"Do we get the pilots to the robeasts?" Junevive asked Raik as the two left the house while Lycus followed but gasped seeing the ship landing.

"It's not galra, get the pilots prepared for attack Incase but do not engage," Raik told her sternly as Lycus tried to follow but he stopped the six year old.

"I wanna help!" He whined.

"I need you to stay with your sister," Raik told Lycus gently as he knelt to the younger hybrid.

"But what about Lotor?" Lycus gulped.

"He May be your big brother but he's my little brother, I take care of all you idiots, Lotor just happens to be stupidest of you all," Raik smiled at him and Lycus nodded going back inside as the oldest stood up looking for Isamu.

Raik pushed his way to the front of the crowd but Raik froze with wide eyes.

"Voltron.." he breathed knowing that castle from 10,000 years ago.

"Get back, we don't know what they want," Raik called to the civilians as the council members gathered near.

"Isamu get over here and don't attack!" Rail called loudly to the air.

"I'm not attacking, I was looking for your brother," isamu was suddenly next to him.

"How-" "I was inside,"

Raik looked at isamu surprised and shook his head as isamu shrugged. They saw a pod land near by as a man in a red uniform of armor jumped out with a woman with white hair.

"Everyone get to your homes! Stay there until we know it's safe!" Raik called to the civilians as people backed up and the crowd cleared it out as isamu and Raik stayed glaring at the paladins.

"I hope you don't mind sharing your secret," Raik whispered.

"If they have Lotor I don't care," Isamu growled and Raik nodded.

Raik noticed the disbelief in her eyes seeing the altean next to him and some council members remained still alive and well.

"How did you find this place?" Raik asked grabbing his sword to stop her.

"We have Prince Lotor," the man in red told him sternly and Isamu glared.

"Bring him out here," Raik glared as well.

"We don't mean to fight, are you Raik?" Allura asked walking forward but stopped seeing raiks glare darken.

"Lotor told you about me?" Raik asked. She nodded.

"Then you know to let my little brother go," he sneered.

"A trade," the red paladin stated.

"Lotor for what?" Isamu asked crossing his arms.

"Lotor speaks of a weapon more powerful than the sincline, which is more powerful than voltron, we only want the information to stop it and destroy it," allura nodded as her hands where on her hips.

"What?" Raik made a face. "What could that be?"

Isamu looked back at the robeasts but knew it wasn't those, they weren't as powerful as the sincline.

"Ooooh he's talking about me," Isamu snorted but only Raik heard him, allura and Keith where confused why the altean was laughing.

"The weapon isn't destroyable, it's been around for thousands of years, and it isn't one of those bad boys," Isamu pointed at the weapons behind them as he smirked.

"Then what is it?" Keith asked frowning.

"Handsome, it's a Druid," Isamu winked.

The two paled.

"No ones heard of Hagar for a while... is she here?" Keith asked gulping.

"We haven't heard from her in two years, she almost found this place but the Druid we have is just as powerful," Raik smirked as well as it was funny to him and Isamu.

"Bring is the Druid and we'll bring you Lotor," allura nodded taking a deep breath.

"Deal," Isamu smiles smugly.

Suddenly Matt and lance walked shire out, Isamu narrowed his eyes recognizing the blue paladin who looked exactly like him but there was no altean features. But he was a doppelgänger. They both had Lotor in their guns fews as the hybrid was calm with his hands cuffed.

"Lotor," Isamu called as he gulped a little. Lotor looked up.

"Isamu," he nodded smirking.

"Your late," the altean crossed his arms frowning and Lotor smiled at him.

"My apologies, got a bit held up at the moment," Lotor chuckled softly.

"Now the Druid," Keith glared at them. Allura noticed Lotors eyes widen slightly.

"I beg your pardon?" Lotor asked more harshly.

"You for the Druid, that's the deal," allura hissed at him.

"Oh he's going to kill you idiots," Lotor groaned.

"What?" Hunks eyes widen slightly confused.

Allura looked back at the two snapping her head as she saw Isamu walking towards them with his hands crackling in purple and black electricity.

"Still want then Druid?" Lotor smirked as isamu glared. He locked eyes with allura and she gasped grabbing Lotor and she held her bayard to his throat.

"Attack and your leader will perish," allura warned as isamu paused. His energy died in his hands.

"Darling, he's 10,000 years old, he's not stupid," Lotor chuckled as allura looked up at him glaring but gasped when she was thrown to the ground with Isamu behind her.

"Yea but you are," Isamu looked at Lotor annoyed while he leaned more on one leg and his arms crossed.

"I'll make it up to you," Lotor smiled as isamu shattered his cuffs.

"Yea I know," Isamu grabbing his hand quickly and they where suddenly gone in a whisp of black smoke just as lance shot at them but missed.

"Allura are you alright?" Matt asked her as they looked around but Raik was gone as well.

"No, I'm as humans have said 'royally pissed'," she stood up looking for them. For Lotor.

A/N: yea this is a re-write so hopefully your not to confused why it's different. Sorry bout that, like this version more. Thanks for reading and sticking around😂

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