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"Lycus, your ring," the black smith waved over the hybrid as Lotor walked over calmly but was given a small wooden box. He opened it and smiled as he held in a laugh seeing the see through crystal with a blue tint and a silver band with designs of vines around the outside and in altean an engravement.

"My present and my future star," Lotor read it outloud as it was in altean.

"My best work I believe, what's the lucky ladies name?" The blacksmith asked as Lotor put it in his pocket.

"His name is Isamu," Lotor smirked handing the man 500 GAC in a pouch.

"Geez man, this lad must mean a lot to you," the man blinked surprised.

"He means everything," Lotor chuckled nodding.

"Well I hope you two live happily," he nodded smiling as Lotor walked away satisfied with the ring.

"What the hell am I going to even say?" Lotor said to himself with wide eyes as he thought about it. He had the ring, but how do you tell something so once in a life time chance to someone so magnificent you want to spend your life with.

"My love- I will absolutely not start it with that," Lotor scoffed at it. That was horrendous.

Suddenly someone grabbed his shoulder and the sound of a weapon charging up making him pause but not in fear, knowing better to attack.

"If you fight back I will blow your head off," someone snarled with a blaster pressed against Lotors spine from behind him.

"I know who you are," they snarled.

"If you know who I am, then you don't stand a chance," Lotor said flatly as they continued to walk away from other civilians.

"I don't think that matters," Matt sneered as they stopped outside the market and waited for a moment.

"Now what?" Lotor asked in a low growl.

"I think you know my sister actually," Matt backed up and a blue blast was shot. Lotor grabbed his sword and blocked it only to see the red paladin of Voltron. A paladin with his lovers face.

Bloody doppelgängers...

"Oh no..." he whispered seeing four others walk forward. He looked at the paladin in pink seeing the fear yet confidence in those blue eyes.

"Lotor.." Allura gulped.

"Princess, how dreadful it is to see you," Lotor groaned as his skin faded to purple.

Suddenly he cried out when a blast hit him from behind and knocked him out by a stun gun. Acxa stood with her gun extended.

"Nice to see you too, sir," she looked at him hurt.


"Lotors alive," Allura whispered as they held Lotor in the cell they did over two years ago when they only thought he was a monster before the alliance, before the truth.

"I can't believe it," she covered her mouth shaking her head in the dinning room where everyone sat as well as Shiro and some garrison members.

"Allura its a shock to us all, what I want to know is how," Shiro looked at Acxa as she had a stern glare sitting next to Lances sister Veronica.

"He just left, we thought of him dead, no sign of anything, not even a sign of him back on daibazall, nothing," Acxa gritted her teeth together in frustration.

"There is no where he can hide, I knew everything, even his undercover alliance when he worked with you," she growled shaking her head.

"There's somewhere he's been for the past two years, he can't just be no where then here," Keith scoffed at them as well crossing his arms.

"No shit," Pidge glared.

"He could've been under cover as an altean for the past two years, I mean no one even knew he was galra until Matt found him," lance cut in motioning to the rebel commander.

"He has a point, but he has an altean ship," hunk perked up.

Allura gasped.

"Two deca phoebes ago we saw that altean ship," she breathed covering her mouth.

"You think he's with other alteans?" Shiro asked.

"He's never mentioned other alteans," Acxa frowned. They all where silent for a moment.


"What?" The blond peaked in with the mice on her shoulders and head.

"Lotors been with your colony?!" Allura cried out and she paled.

"I didn't know, the abyss takes years itself..." she mumbled standing in the door frame.

"The abyss took us two years for us," Keith blinked looking at his mother across the table.

"He must've found a way around it, he is the one that built the remote planet," Pidge groaned shaking her head with her hands over her face.

"That snake!" Allura slammed her hands on the table standing up as she stormed out.

"A-Allura?" Lance blinked confused as he and the other Paladins followed concerned.

"Princess perfect! Lotor is awake," coran saw her storming toward his direction.

"Paladins your with me! Everyone stay here!" Allura commanded pushing past the fellow altean.

"Oh she's royally pissed," Pidge gulped impressed as lance put a hand on corans shoulder.

"Yea, I'm kinda frightened," Lance pursed his lips.

"Come on idiot," Keith grabbed his arm to pull him forward. "We got a prince to interrogate,"

"Yea But nooow?"


"I'm right here!"

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