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"Isamu wait," Lotor pulled him back as the house was in sight.

"Wait I cant tell Raik, you can't either," Lotor turned him back as Isamu glared.

"Lotor there's Hagar in your head, that's as bad as it gets, and if she finds out about the altean colonies then we're all dead," Isamu pointed at him offendedly.

"I am not loosing my home again," he spat.

"I won't either but I cannot involve my family with this," Lotor shot back harshly.

"He's your brother!" Isamu cried out.

"There's a reason why I never let any of them step foot into a galra ship, Raik has been on the run from zarkon, zarkon is dead and we have our younger brother and sister, they can't survive without him," Lotor sighed running his hands through his hair stressfully.

"Don't be quiznexing noble! You let him help!" Isamu shouted.

"Your lucky I'm even letting you know!" Lotor snarled down at him. Isamu grabbed him by the collar and pulled him close with his other fist full of black energy.

"I am not as weak as you treat me emperor, your damn well letting me help, I am just as powerful as Hagar and that's why I left the empire so you keep looking down on me! I dare you!" He pushed Lotor back as the energy faded as the galras eyes widen shocked.

"I will not let this witch take my home again!"

Isamu took a deep breath crossing his arms with a dark glare as Lotor straightened up narrowing his eyes.

"They'll all turn on you, once they know what you've done, I would never let them hurt you again my son..." Lotor heard the voice of his 'mother' whisper behind him and Lotor felt sick at the sound.

Your words are useless to me witch, Lotor snarled back in his head.

"Lotor?" Isamu noticed the anger glaring up in his facial expression as they where silent for a while.

"You really want someone who could be using you to get rid of your own mother...? My son I can fix this, I can give you everything you want," honerva whispered in his ear making Lotors eye brow twitch in rage.

"I want you dead witch!" Lotor snarled twisting his body as Isamu stepped back.

"Lotor calm down, she's going to turn you against everyone, we need to do this now," Isamu told him sternly.

"Don't let my family get involved," Lotor looked back at him glaring.

"Fine but you have to cooperate then," Isamu sighed softly. Lotor nodded.

"This isn't what you truly want,"

What I want from my mother is her to be resting in peace

"Ignore her," Isamu pursed his lips. He touched the side of Lotors face gently as Lotor had to stop himself from pulling away from the touch as he knew Isamu had to. They closed their eyes and Lotor felt a spark hit his head a little as he grunted at it but the darkness in his head faded like fog.

"It'll hold her off from speaking to you but not forever, just enough to get started," Isamu sighed pulling back with a stern look.

Lotor stared at Isamu for a long moment but frowned.

"What's the catch?" He questioned and Isamu scoffed.

"There is no catch," the altean glared back.

"She said-" "mention what the witch said, do it," Isamu snorted sarcastically and Lotor looked away.

"Don't trust what she says, from what you've told me I thought you'd know better than to actually listen," the slim altean shook his head going back to his home.

"Are you coming?" He shot back at Lotor who scoffed at him but nodded following Isamu back to his cabin.

"You know he can't rid of all your demons," it was zarkons voice that mocked him instead but Lotor ignored the fear spiking his heart rate but he kept walking and sped up a little to follow Isamu faster.

"You think you'll be able to stop this? Whatever honerva is doing?" Lotor asked walking by isamu's side.

"I can do my best, the difference between Hagar and I is she's been touched by pure quintessence, I just hold more altean alchemy magic," Isamu side shaking his head.

"What if I took you somewhere..." Lotor looked at the ground softly making Isamu raise an eye brow.

"Where?" He asked confused.


Isamu paused but rolled his blue and orange eyes as he kept walking.

"It doesn't exist," Isamu stated.

"It's real, I've been there, I am one of the alteans the guardian deems as a chosen one, with your natural magical qualities you may be one as well," Lotor smiled softly as Isamu didn't believe him.

"Fine, that'll be our plan B if I can get that witch out of your head, honerva has more power than me, more energy, from the alteans your harvest," Isamu shrugged as Lotors eyes widen.

"How'd you know?" Lotor whispered.

"You think I'd never find out?" Isamu turned to him with glowing yellow eyes as a cruel smile crawled on his face as his altean markings changed slowly like hangars.

"I know more than you can imagine little prince, and everyone will find out," he laughed at him as Lotor covered his face growling annoyed.

Lotor looked up again as he saw Isamu still walking as he was still standing there. It wasn't real.

"Isamu, she's knows you blocked her, we have to hurry," Lotor called.

"How do you know? That spell should last for hours," Isamu looked back at him as Lotor caught up.

"Call it a hunch, hallucinations are quite annoying I must say," Lotor sighed shaking his head tiredly.

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