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A figure crouched low to the ground holding a bow and arrow as they crept up on a deer like creature, narrow eyes focused as they quietly grabbed an arrow as they latched it on to the string and pulled back as they had one chance to strike it.

"Isamu?!" A voice called and the creature ran off as he let an arrow fly in hope it'll at least wound the animal.  Isamu groaned standing up from his hiding spot and turned back seeing Lotor walking his trail from his house and around the forest.

"Hey bastard? You trying to starve me?" Isamu called out as Lotor saw where he was now.

"What are you doing?" Lotor questioned as they met in the middle.

"Hunting, it gets me something to trade in the market and a meal for a while," Isamu flicked his nose as Lotor blinked surprised.

"And you'd carry that beast by yourself?" Lotor scoffed looking at him as Isamu walked away.

"Alteans arent weak exactly," he smirked back at the galra.

"Now where are you going?" Lotor called as he followed the altean.

"Again, I like to eat and hunting keeps me busy, I'm checking traps," Isamu stuck out his tongue walking backwards to look at him.

"Whatcha want anyways? I live kinda far," Isamu asked as Lotor caught up.

"My brother and sister are out and Lycus is playing with other children," Lotor shrugged.

"And you came to see me? I'm touched," Isamu gasped and laughed at him seeing Lotors awkwardness.

Lotor smiled as he looked at Isamu but saw a cut on his lip as a bruise was under it making the galra confused.

"What happened to your lip?" Lotor asked.

"I fell and hit my face on the door," Isamu snorted waving it off.

"Those men didn't come to hurt you right?" Lotor asked frowning. Isamu paused but laughed it off. That's all it took to convince Lotor.

"Isamu you can't let them hurt you because they can," Lotor stopped him.

"Um yea I can, I basically let them, you think I can turn them to ashes easily? I told you before, it makes people less suspicious that I'm a Druid," Isamu sighed looking away from the emperor.

"Let them know, be what you are Isamu, this isn't right," Lotor grabbed his arm with worry in his eyes.

"Yoowho, are you listening to me you idiot? Being a Druid will scare them and I'll be left alone for another two generations, I've tried that before, and I got hurt a lot more," Isamu smacked his hand away as Lotor was taken back.

"I'm just minding my own business, and I can handle a punch," he spat now annoyed as he stormed off.

"Why do you care anyways?" He scoffed stopping a few feet away.

"I don't stand for abuse nor assault," Lotor narrowed his eyes.

"What about violence? There's a difference," Isamu looked back at him.

"Everyone is violent in a time of their life, even alteans," Lotor nodded as he watched the alteans face.

"We're both quiznecked up, let's leave it at that," Isamu sighed crossing his arms.

"What do you mean?" Lotor shook his head walking close to him again.

"The galra hurt us both, but I left it all behind me, have you?" Isamu glared up at him challengingly.

"I have," Lotor looked down at him.

"Then stop being so self righteous, the galra isn't the source of evil, it was just corrupted by it, evil follows everywhere, it doesn't care," Isamu whispered in his ear as Lotor felt his hot breath against his neck as he froze.

But he disappeared in a black smoke with whispers following and Lotor was suddenly left alone in the woods.

His heart raced in his chest looking around confused as he let out a small breath shaking his head. Rubbing his face from the way the young man whispered in his ear, how he wasn't afraid to speak against him, knowing Lotors power of emperor, knowing about his magic, but the altean didn't care. He wasn't afraid anymore.

Lotor chuckled feeling eyes on him still.

"You disappeared but not leave?" Lotor looked around and in black smoke Isamu appeared behind him.

"I actually just went to go get my arrow back from when you made me loose my dinner," Isamu taunted holding a arrow with it waving a little.

"I'm touched you came back," Lotor teased.

Isamu put the arrow in his hand and gave Lotor a small playful glare as he stood on his toes to get close to the emperors face. Before Lotor could react he was suddenly gone in a puff of smoke as Lotor was once left alone from the mischievous Druid that seems to intrigued him so much.

There really isn't anyone like that altean is there?

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