Pep talks

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"I can't believe you didn't let me see how we even got to Oriande! It's amazing!" Raik cried out as they landed and everyone stood outside the pod while Raik was nerding out.

"Raik it was so amazing, maybe I'll let you see how we get out of Oriande instead," Isamu laughed at the tallest as Lotor looked around.

"The temples are there, unless you two would like to explore some more?" Lotor pointed to a mountain as Isamu crouched down seeing flowers he was smiling at.

"Only a little bit, this is quiznexing Oriande!" Isamu gasped as he was crazy excited spinning to the brothers.

"Hey do you mind if I go geek about plants? There's some herbs I wanna try finding," he looked at them with bright eyes.

"Of course, we'll be here," Lotor smiled back as Isamu walked off but grabbed the flowers from before and put them in his bag.

"You like him," Raik smirked making Lotor jump.

"Pardon?" Lotor asked flatly.

"I see the way you look at Isa, you have feelings for him," he shrugged simply leaning against the pod crossing his arms.

"Brother..." Lotor sighed annoyed as his ears were down a little.

"This is Oriande, a magicaaaal place where maaaaagical things happen," Raik wagged his fingers at Lotor smirking deviously as Lotor let out a long groan as he blushed darkly.

"What are you trying to get at brother?" Lotor asked glaring a little.

"Up to you, there is a kind man that cares about you here, in a beautiful place, whatcha going to do about it?" Raik shrugged walking away as Lotor looked at the ground as he was left alone at his thoughts.

He liked women, Allura was a goddess... women were amazing, beautiful creatures. Isamu was a male figure he highly respected, thought was charming, brave, so intellect. Lotor let out a deep breath.

Allura was in the past... Isamu could be a future...

Lotor smiled a little to himself and laughed lightly.

"Dear ancient stars Isamu, what the hell have you done to me?" Lotor felt his stomach twist enough to make his heart speed up but not enough to feel ill.

He smiled anyways.


Raik walked through the woods looking for Isamu curiously but saw a branch fall behind him and looked up wide eyes.

"What the hell isa?" Raik saw the altean in the tree reaching for some fruit that grew.

"I almost got it," Isamu grunted as his fingers skimmed it and finally snatched the fruit.

"Haha what the hell are you?" Isamu smiled at the fruit victorious and jumped down.

"Are we getting a move on?" He asked putting the fruit in his bag walking towards Raik.

"Yea we only have a two days and takes a half day to get back," Raik put his hands in his pockets as he walked side by side with Isamu but the altean raised an eye brow trying to distant himself.

"Raik-" "-Isamu,"

"Sorry go ahead," Raik coughed awkwardly in his hand and Isamu made a small face as he pursed his lips.

"No I'm sorry, you where about to say something,"  Isamu turned a dark shade of blue blush as he was awkwardly standing there very uncomfortable.

"No go ahead," he motioned to the altean again.

"Look I think we're amazing friends... and to stay like that... forever..." Isamu squinted his eyes at Raik as his shoulders hunched a little.

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