Morning Tea

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Two years later

As dawn arrive there was a shriek in a cottage home in the edge of a forest where two lived.

Lotor gasped awake as he saw his lover screaming in his sleep as he had tears streaming down his face and hands clutching the bed sheets.

"Isamu hey, hey it's okay, love wake up," Lotor wiped the sweat from his forehead as Isamu cried loudly but Lotor gently comforted him as his cries softened into whimpered as Lotor held him gently but not to tightly.

"I got you love," Lotor whispered in his hair as Isamu gripped his shirt tightly covering his mouth. After a year he's been able to get over his sleep paralysis but the nightmares come back.

Isamu whispered in his native tongue of alteans as he held onto his Lotor tightly now conscious again but inhaled deeply trying to control himself.

"Sorry," he sighed sitting up wiping his tears away. "Dammit,"

"I'm here for you my love," Lotor smiled holding his chin as Isamu looked up at him gently.

"It's been five days since the last nightmare, your doing better," he kissed isamu's forehead gently as he laid him back down while Isamu laid his head on Lotors chest taking a deep breath.

"It's just the usual, don't worry," Isamu ran his hand over Lotors chest with a sigh.

"I know love," Lotor rubbed his back gently as Isamu smiled up at him.

"We still got a few hours until the colony's awake, let's just go back to sleep," Isamu whispered nuzzling his head against Lotors shoulder as the hybrid nodded tiredly as he held Isamu tightly not wanting to let go.

As the morning rised Lotor woke up again but alone this time as the bed was empty. He groaned sitting up as he rubbed his eyes but a fuzzy friend jumped to him and rubbed their head against his arm.

"Morning kova," Lotor smiled at the galra cat. On a trip with Raik they found the feline alone in the universe on a planet, they took the cat with them as the immortal cat now lived with Isamu, before Lotor moved in with the Druid altean a while later. Living together was a huge step for the two who where so use to being independent now sharing a home.

Lotor got out of the bed as he saw Isamu making their morning tea as Lotor now was use to herbs keeping his health well as Isamu made sure he got seven hours of sleep now as Lotor did the same to him.

"Good morning love," Lotor wrapped his arms around Isamu from behind as he kissed his neck gently and saw some love marks that remained on his lover.

"Hey baby," Isamu giggled turning his head to kiss him gently but Lotor let him pour them two mugs of tea as they do every morning, whoever got up first.

Isamu handed Lotor his mug as he sat on the counter while they clinked their mugs together as Isamu giggled while Lotor smiled loving the sound of the forest of the animals and the fresh smell of the outdoors. Kova jumped up to Isamu and purred when the altean scratched behind his ear.

"Sorry for waking you again," Isamu shrugged a little pursing his lips but Lotor shook his head.

"You know you don't have to apologize every time my love, we're both getting past these nightmares," Lotor smiled at him calmly.

"Yea But I still wake you up," Isamu groaned.

"But in your sleep your not stronger than me, so I think I can handle it," Lotor kissed his knuckles gently as Isamu laughed shaking his head.

"Yea But when I'm awake altean and Druid strength makes me the man of the house," Isamu flexed his arm smiling.

"Oh the man of the house?" Lotor raised an eye brow setting his mug down.

"Mmhmm," Isamu laughed a little but saw the look on Lotors face.

"Nooo I know that look, don't you dare," Isamu set his mug down as well getting off the counter backing away.

"I have no idea what your talking about," Lotor hummed but just as Isamu was going to escape he grabbed the altean and threw him over his shoulder as Isamu screamed a laugh.

"It's to early!" Isamu cackled hitting Lotors lower back. Lotor pulled him back as Isamu wrapped his legs around his boyfriends waist and hung onto his shoulders.

"I hate you," Isamu smirked at him as he kissed Lotors nose teasingly.

"I know love," Lotor growled hiking him up as Isamu gasped a laugh holding onto Lotor tightly.

Isamu got back to his feet as Lotor held onto his hand with their pinkies hooked.

"So what the plan today?" Isamu asked grabbing his tea again.

"Raik and I were going to go to go on a trip to the rebellion as they're allied with my brother, but Freja is ill so if you don't mind I'm going alone," Lotor sipped his mug shrugging.

"Okay, I'll go over and give some herbs to Raik to help with your sister, I think we can handle the colony until you come back, is it a days trip or a few days?" Isamu asked not worried as it's happened before.

"Only a days trip, I'll be back before nightfall," Lotor kissed his cheek. "I should go get ready actually,"

"I'm going to head over to your brothers place, is Freja allergic to anything?" Isamu looked in his cabinet grabbing a little baggies of tea herbs.

"No but she doesn't like the ginger," Lotor called and Isamu shrugged.

"Alright, you be safe though," Isamu walked to their bedroom as Lotor had his armor on and put his sword in its holster.

"Always love," Lotor held his arms and kissed him softly.

"I love you," he smiled down at Isamu.

"I love you too," Isamu smirked as he pat Lotors butt teasingly making the emperor jump and the altean laugh harder.

"Your the end of me Isamu," Lotor chuckled walking out shaking his head. 

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