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"Isamu, open up I can smell your tea," Raik knocked on the door outside. "Stop letting Lotor use your house as a refugee camp and get his ass out here,"

"Isa come on!" He banged on the door loudly but Lotor answered.

"Where have you been?" Raik crosses his arms pouting a little looking at his little brother. He saw behind him, Isamu laying on the couch limp.

"Sleep over?" He raised an eye brow but Lotor bit his lip shaking his head.

"What happened?" Raik looked at him concerned as he walked in and touched the side of isamu's neck making sure there was a pulse. He was alive.

"Honerva-Hagar- I don't know who the hell she is, the witch got him," Lotor closed the door behind him as he sat by isamu's feet.

"Calm down, tell me everything," Raik knelt in front of him concerned for his brother and his friend.

Lotor inhaled deeply and explained everything. How honerva is desperate to find him, to discover his save haven, but also how she haunts him in his mind, How Isamu used his Druid magic to face her but the two battled against each other, the blast that ended it all but did something to Isamu mentally and now Lotor didn't hear the voices in his head, just a splitting headache.

"Im going to get the doctors, tell them we found him like this in the coma," Raik sighed shaking his head.

"You should've came to me Lotor," he closed his eyes standing up quickly as he turned from him.

"If this was on the galra ships you wouldn't even know," Lotor shot back.

"What's that suppose to mean?" Raik growled out.

"It means I can handle this! Isamu said he had another plan," Lotor stood up as well with his fists clenched.

"And he really seems to be working on it!" Raik motioned to him but Lotor glared.

"This is my fault I know! I never wanted him to get hurt!" Lotor raised his voice.

"Everyone gets hurt! On a galra ship or not!" Raik scoffed at him shaking his head.

"You think I don't know that?!" Lotor yelled with his jaw dropping.

"Because you got your heart broken by a princess you think you know?! I've watched the survivors of the galras raids limp to my camps! I'm sorry you didn't get dad's approval all the time!" Raik yelled back heatedly but Lotors eyes widen in rage.

"Y-you think this is because of father's approval? I've watched friends perish because I didn't treat them like slaves! I've been beaten and broken while you stay as the Nobel Raik of the survivors," Lotor laughed sarcastically motioning to his older brother.

"And over a princess calling me my father? That's not the first person nor the last! I'm over a dainty paladin waving me off like dirt and focused on saving a friend that cares about me for some damn reason!" He roared getting in his brothers face as raiks eyes widen.

"There's a reason why I never let you meet my father on that galra cruiser, because your father and mother died when that emperor and hag where born," Lotor sneered in his face.

"We are blood Lotor, do not push me away," Raik hissed.

"We May be blood but so not assume my experiences are less than yours," Lotor spat harshly.

Raik pursed his lips in an angry white line as he turned away as he held his head frustratedly.

"If you only let me help..." his voice broke sitting down with his head in his hands.

"Your not talking about Isamu anymore," Lotor narrowed his eyes.

"I know about the nightmare and the terrors you hid, the insomnia, it could've already been going on for centuries, but you never let anyone help," Raik looked at him painfully.

"Because those who try end up like this," Lotor sat near Isamu again.

"There was this planet zarkon let me be in charge of, We thrived as one, achieved so much, all because I worked along side with them rather than using fear, when zarkon found out... he destroyed them all in front of me, I couldn't do anything," Lotor looked at the ground as he rested his elbows on his knees.

"We are brothers Raik, but our experiences with this war do not match," he looked at his brother disappointedly.

"You can't be like this and a leader Lotor, you have to choose," Raik sighed letting out a deep breath.

"Choosing our colony or what? Him?" Lotor motioned to the unconscious altean.

"What about Freja And Lycus? What is this teaching them?" He scoffed as Raik narrowed his eyes.

"This teaches them to make right decisions," Raik nodded standing as Lotor stood with him.

"Your really making me choose between our people or Isamu?" The younger hybrid asked disgusted.

"Well?" Raik asked raising an eye brow.

Lotor scoffed at him glaring as he sat back down.

"I choose a friend," Lotor glared up at him. Raiks narrowed eyes softened and nodded.

"Good, be with him, I'll check on you two once in a while, Isamu is a good friend of us all, make sure he wakes up little brother," Raik smiled a little as Lotor nodded back.

"Thank you," Lotor breathed relieved.

"Yea being the hard ass is your job," Raik chuckled as he left closing the door behind him gently leaving Lotor alone with Isamu in the cabin.

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