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Later in the night the four hybrids camped out next to the three ships as they were given blankets and pillows but the night was warm as there is no winter to kill the crops or cold to kill them, it was fresh and green and warm.

Lotor couldn't sleep as he felt the need to watch his family sleep silently as he felt uneased. He was use to not sleeping for nights due to the work that needed to be done, keeping one eye open all the time, he was already a light sleeper.

Lotor sighed standing up as he went for a walk leaving his sword behind.

He had to clear his thoughts, he had to change who he was rather than let the past haunt him. But that fear of becoming his father... Allura showed him kindness but easily turned on him and stated harshly that he was exactly like zarkon.

Lotor sighed closing his eyes. They didn't even ask for his explanation, Allura attacked him, betrayed him... and all he wanted to do was trust her enough to bring her here himself, he could've given her the world, alteans, to rule side by side. To love each other...

"Mid night strolls are a thing now?" A mocking voice popped up behind him and Lotor turned seeing his brother.

"Can sleep," Lotor gulped.

"The empire?" Raik frowned concerned. He shook his head.

"It's voltron," he stated realizing, even more concerned when Lotor didn't answer.

"I did everything right, I betrayed my people for them and stayed as a cooperative prisoner even, I risked everything and easily they betrayed me!" Lotor slowly raised his voice into a snarl as Raik stayed calm.

"I loved her and could've given that princess what she desired! Her people! Another altea! And she threw me back into the mud like the galra- like my father!" He yelled harshly from the pent up frustration.

"I love her and she sees me as a monster..." his voice broke softly as Lotor looked down with tired eyes.

"Lotor..." Raik looked at his little brother.

"How did they hurt you? Betray you?" He asked sternly putting his hand on his shoulder.

"Romelle told them I was killing alteans, and just like that, I'm back to an enemy," Lotor scoffed backing away.

"But your not," Raik narrowed his eyes. "Right?"

"No... I used alteans for their quintessence but they never were killed, just... drained..." Lotor sighed pursing his lips.

"Wait what?" Raik blinked in disbelief.

"I was trying to save the galra and keep the alteans alive, once I got what I needed I would've gotten them the help they required and go home," Lotor explained with a sigh.

"Lotor that could've killed them," Raik cried out.

"But it didnt! I never killed an altean! But they may as well be with Hagar snooping about," Lotor sneered back.

"So they're gone for all we know," he spat running a hand through his hair frustratedly.

The men stayed silent as Raik sighed crossing his arms as Lotor kept his eyes down but in a glare.

"I don't even know what to say," Raik scoffed.

Lotor looked up at him wide eyes.

"Please, don't you leave me too," Lotor begged and Raik looked at him shocked. He has never heard Lotor beg for anything, for his life, for forgiveness.

"Never," he nodded.

"Lotor I've never seen you like this before," Raik looked at him confused as Lotor sat in the grass holding his head.

"Have you ever been in love?" Lotor asked.

"Once, 10,000 years ago, before altea was even destroyed, a girl helped me hide from zarkon, it was only two days but I admire and fell in love with her kindness and beauty, never saw her again," he shrugged sitting with his little brother in the grass.

"Never even knew her name," he chuckled.

"Did you get over it?" Lotor asked quietly.

"I did, it wasn't true love but it wasn't painful, it was small but she made a difference to me so that's why I call it love," Raik nodded as Lotor looked at him sadly.

"So tell me about miss caught your heart and threw it into a star?" He leaned back on his elbows as Lotor sighed.

"It was the princess Allura of altea, she helped me a lot, with uniting the galra, with finding more of my mother, we went to oriande for stars sakes," Lotor scoffed shaking his head.

"Oriande? And you never told me?" Raiks jaw dropped in awe.

"We can go together brother, as long as you have the mark of the chosen," Lotor smirked back playfully.

"You do?!"

"I do, it's beautiful, but i never discovered its power, Allura did, she was so strong, and faithful, and pure, but she is flawed to think the galra are all alike, to be exactly what your father is," Lotor pursed his lips to thin out his smile as he looked to the side.

"Neither of us are like zarkon, we rather see others strive than demolish, for when you stood up for the planet and worked along side with them, it pissed zarkon off but that made you anything but like zarkon," Raik told him sternly.

"We have each other, and the little ones, that makes us better, because we have family," he looked at Lotor in the eyes.

"Because I will look after you little brother, no matter how strong you think you are," he smirked and Lotor smiled softly as well looking at his big brother. It was when he and Raik became closer and bonded, when they felt like brothers rather than strangers, it was the first time Lotor heard someone say 'I love you' to him.

"Thank you," he let out a shaky breath and Raik chuckled punching his arm playfully.

"Your so sensitive little brother, lighten up," he got up as Lotor frowned a little.

"I am not sensitive I'll mind you that," Lotor scoffed as he took raiks hand to pull himself up.

"And so proper, I'm getting goosebumps," Raik teased.

"You go ahead, get some rest, I just need a few minutes, I like the quiet," Lotor snorted waving him off.

"You going to be okay?" Raik asked gently.

"Aren't I always?" Lotor smirked.

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