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On the way back they all fit in the front of the pod as Raik sat in the back seat behind Isamu pouting a little but at least got to see now. He didn't notice the awkward tension between his brother and friend as the two barely shared glances without looking away.

Isamu couldn't help but feel his face heat up every time as he read his book again trying to focus on other things. Lotor kissed him. He quiznexing kissed back! It was hard to ignore something like that when they where practically best friends. He did love Lotor but he was still terrified of this feeling of love, he was terrified of love itself and if Lotor shared feelings back it made it even harder knowing now they could become something amazing.

But he didn't know whether to leave them as friends or give it a shot as more. Isamu couldn't focus on his book as that question was all he thought about.

He glanced at Lotor again as this time the emperor didn't notice his stare as Isamu felt his heart skip a beat once more. He looked away again and thought a while longer.

He smiled to himself after a moment touching his lips remembering the way Lotor kissed him. Gentle but stern knowing it was a decision he wanted.

As hours went by with some small talk and Raik falling asleep and snoring in the back. Isamu finally let out a deep breath turning to Lotor.

"How you holding up?" Isamu asked gently as Lotor pursed his lips.

"Right as rain, why do you ask?" Lotor raised an eyebrow.

"Yea you've never used that before so I'm going to guess opposite," Isamu scoffed making Lotors ears go down as he was caught.

"Look Lotor, it's not that I don't like you, I really... really like you, I'm just scared there's things I won't control or things that may happen... I've gone through this before and it scares me so much... it's the reason I refuse to let out my secret again," Isamu smiled at him sheepishly as Lotor looked at him a little concerned.

"Someone I cared about a lot last told the whole colony and a lot happened," he sighed as his ears fell a little.

"But with the war, voltron, your mother even... I'm just scared I'm going to loose another person I care for, I'm tired of loosing people," he closed his eyes with his head down embarrassed as Lotor put the pod in autopilot.

"Isamu, I promise nothing will happen to me, nor you," Lotor picked up his chin gently to have the altean look at him.

"You don't know that," Isamu whispered looking into his eyes.

"You do though," Lotor smiled as he gently took isamu's hand to his temple as Isamu saw a flash of the future making him gasp pulling his hand back.

His shocked expression relaxed into a smile.

"ironically I saw nothing of what you've gasped about," Lotor told him jokingly.

"Don't worry about it, your right," Isamu smiled back as he covered his mouth trying to hide the smile.

"May I ask?" Lotor raised his eyebrow.

"I'll keep it a secret," Isamu leaned forward kissing him softly as Lotor held the side of his face pulling him closer.

There was a meadow with altean flowers whom many thought was extinct for thousands of years while there was two figures standing in it but a child's laughter ran up behind them as the taller and broader figure with long white hair laughed picking up a child as another child ran to hug the other figure. A family.

Isamu inhaled a shaky breath as he kissed Lotor deeply. Smiling at the future memory if everything works out, for years on in the future not knowing when. But he knew it was a happy ending for them.

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