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"Just sit for a while Isamu, I'll get you some water," shiro lead the two to the lounge room as Lotor supported his fiancé. Hunk, pidge, lance and Keith watched from the door as keith was the only one not confused of what was happening. Lance barely could look at Isamu as it freaked him out.

"I'm fine I swear," Isamu waved him off but Lotor sat him down anyways with a stern look.

"Isa you practically collapsed," Lotor told him still concerned. "You should rest for a little,"

"There is no damn way I'm taking a nap!" Isamu shot up but Lotor grabbed him again.

"I won't leave your side," Lotor whispered looking him in the eyes.

He nodded at shiro as the white haired man walked out to get the water. Isamu leaned against Lotor holding his head still trying to massage the pain away but it wasn't working.

"Is he going to be okay?" Hunk asked concerned.

"He just needs some rest," Lotor nodded as he gently let Isamu lay down as his head was in his lap. Lotor brushed his fingers through his lovers hair as rubbed his ears softly knowing it was his weakness. It worked as Isamu relaxed into a soft sleep.

"He's always exhausted from those visions, they haven't been this bad in a while," Lotor sighed noticing the stares they got.

"What do you mean?" Lance asked softly. It was odd to hear Isamu a voice from a different figure as Isamu had an accent like Allura and Lotor himself, as lance had a plain human one.

"He's had other visions that... haunted him before," Lotor pursed his lips. They always seem to be the ones of his death.

"Well let you two be," pidge smiled awkwardly and pushed the boys out, but Allura stayed watching them across the room with her arms crossed and ears down.

"May I help you princess?" Lotor asked quirking a brow.

"You and Isamu are engaged?" She asked slowly and Lotor held Isamus hand as the ring shined still.

"Yes," he smiled softly.

"Since when?" Allura walked over slowly.

"Before we surrendered, I proposed to him as a promise we'll get married, have a future still after this," Lotor smiled at her as Allura pursed her lips.

"We've been together for two years though," he answered her confused face.

"He said you love me," Allura gulped.

"I did at a time," Lotor looked her in the eyes.

"But that love was gone long ago Allura, do not think you hold a place in my heart still," his voice grew cold and his hand tightening on isamus hand.

"I understand.. and I'm sorry," Allura whispered looking down.

"I'm glad your not dead actually, I could finally apologize to you," she smiled softly back at him but Lotor did not return.

"You've threatened everything to me Allura, do not think we are near friends," Lotor hissed.

"My life, my love, my people, my family, your words mean nothing to me, forgive me if I am not exactly happy with you," he narrowed his eyes at her and Allura frowned with wide eyes.

"You have to understand at that time I found out you were killing alteans, when I thought I was the only one left," Allura put a hand over her chest.

"You didn't give me a chance Allura, I would've told you everything if you only asked," Lotor tsked shaking his head.

"And it was only hours ago you've threatened me," he glared.

"You broke my heart Lotor," Allura glared back.

"You shattered me!" He barked.

"I will not die, I will not let my family die, i will not let my people die, I will never let Isamu die," Lotor sighed leaning back as he looked down at his fiancé who was exhausted in his lap.

"I love him, I will do anything for him, I could care less what happens to voltron, you brought this upon us," he glared darkly at her.

"Answer me this, do you not find women attractive and ran to a male for love because of me?" Allura inhaled deeply and Lotor looked at her disgusted.

"I care not for his damn gender, I love him for his heart! You've said enough princess, leave," Lotor snarled and Allura narrowed her eyes.

Allura stood up simply and left the room as she closed the door behind her shaking her head.

Lotor let out a long breath as he laid his head back as he kept his hand on isamus own hand.

"You didn't have to get so defensive," Isamu whispered as he rolled over to face Lotor.

"You think I was wrong?" Lotor asked gently.

"No, you had every right," Isamu smiled sitting up as Lotor leaned towards him worried.

"Careful for your head," Lotor gently grabbed his wrist.

"I'll live, we gotta go," Isamu got up but Lotor caught him when he felt dizzy and almost stumbled.

"I have enough energy to get us to the colony and get Raik," he looked up at Lotor. "We have to escape,"

"Let's go," Lotor nodded. He hesitated for a moment to take a step but kissed Isamu deeply catching the altean by surprise but moaned into the kiss wrapping his arms around him.

"What's that for?" Isamu smirked.

"Because I can," Lotor kissed his forehead and Isamu smiled blushing softly. "I long for us to be free again,"

"You and your words my love," Isamu giggled holding the side of his face. "I agree,"

"Oh good your up," hunk and Keith walked in as they two were in each other's arms but Isamu looked at them unamused.

"If your done flirting we gotta get to the deck," Keith looked at them as he was uncomfortable at the sight of a lance look-a-like making out with Lotor. Blush spread across his pale cheeks.

"I'm not done," Isamu smirked leaning against lotors chest as he looked at keith. This one was truly intriguing.

"Let's go," Keith scoffed and Isamu pulled away as Lotor kissed the side of his head making Isamu smile brightly and satisfied as he made his way to Keith.

"So good lookin'," Isamu skipped over. "Think I'm still dangerous?"

"Your definitely powerful," Keith nodded and Isamu put a hand on his shoulder.

A familiar laughter echoed as a glimpse of a certain someone flashed across Isamu's mind.

Isamu stopped and smiled softly at Keith.

"You should tell him," Isamu put his hands behind his back at the four stood there, hunk and Lotor were confused.

"What are you talking about?" Keith glared.

"I'm a Druid handsome, my powers can help me with some things... master of the mind, as I see your desire," Isamu bit his lip.

"Your scared to confess, but I think you should tell him," Isamu smiled genuine. "Sorry as a killer i also have a guilty pleasure of match maker,"

"It's war, you never know when you have a chance," he sighed shrugging and glanced back at Lotor.

"You saw..?" Keith gulped.

"Just a something I have, I touch him... well I see me sometimes," Isamu motioned to Lotor.

He walked and touched hunk and smiled. "A balmerian?"

Hunk blushed with wide eyes as keith gulped again turning more red.

"Or you don't have too, but again, what I said before," Isamu smirked as he grabbed onto lotors arm as they walked forward, Keith frowned a little as he thought but shook his head following anyways with hunk.

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